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In this short note, we prove by an appropriate change of variables that the SVI implied volatility parameterization presented in Gatheral's book and the large-time asymptotic of the Heston implied volatility agree algebraically, thus confirming a conjecture from Gatheral as well as providing a...
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Long-term regional convergence hypothesis is examined for 32 Mexican states in a regional growth model with poverty traps using a new dataset on regional income inequality for the period 1940-2011. Although zero-growth poverty trap hypothesis is rejected for 28 out of 32 states, the evidence...
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We use the case of EU enlargement in 2004 to investigate the impact of economic integration on regional income growth. Being particularly interested in studying the effects ‘at the margin’, we track the relative performance of regions adjacent to both sides of the integration border...
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In this paper we use spatial dependence panel data models to analyse regional growth behaviour in Italy. Controlling for fixed-effects allows us to disentangle the effect of spatial dependence (or spatial interaction) from that of spatial heterogeneity and of omitted variables and, thus, to...
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Econometric analysis of convergence processes across countries or regions usually refers to a transition period between an arbitrary chosen starting year and a fictitious steady state. Panel unit root tests and panel cointegration techniques have proved to belong to powerful econometric tools if...
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We study some measurement issues that arise when analyzing the long run behavior of the jth creative region's time t log output per creative class member (y<sub>j</sub>(t)) when this region is part of an aggregate economy of j = 1, …, N creative regions. We focus first (second) on absolute (relative)...
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We study some measurement issues that arise when analyzing the long run behavior of the jth creative region's time t log output per creative class member (y_j (t)) when this region is part of an aggregate economy of j=1,…,N creative regions. We focus first (second) on absolute (relative)...
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The literature on economic growth in Latin America still presents mixed results. In the case of Mexico, the main findings show a similar pattern, highlighting the lower capacity of the southern and central states to take advantage of the export-oriented model. The present research analyses the...
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This paper suggests an empirical framework for analysing income distribution dynamics and cross-region convergence in the European Union of 27 member states, 1995-2003. The framework lies in the research tradition that allows the state income space to be continuous, puts emphasis on both shape...
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