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Unemployment occurs because workers and firms have control over wages and prices. The exercise of market power over wages interacts with its exercise over prices. Understanding this interaction sheds new light on the effects of policy interventions on unemployment and growth. Reforms that result...
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population growth has lowered both the natural rate and inflation by about 0.4 percentage points in recent decades. …
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The uncertainty of U.S. core inflation, measured by the stochastic volatility of forecast errors, has soared to a level … increase after a positive shock to core inflation uncertainty in a vector autoregression. Endogenous changes in household … inflation expectations help to understand the transmission mechanism through which an inflation uncertainty shock generates …
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The Producer Price Index (PPI) for the United States suggests that semiconductor prices have barely been falling in recent years, a dramatic contrast to the rapid declines reported from the mid-1980s to the early 2000s. This slowdown in the rate of decline is puzzling in light of evidence that...
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This paper explores the theoretical channels by which financial crises might have an impact on long-run growth. By exploiting occasionally binding financial constraints, we produce a model that generates endogenous crisis episodes featuring permanent falls in productivity, without generating...
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We analyze output growth risk with respect to financial conditions across U.S. manufacturing industries. Using a multi-level quantile regression approach, we find strong heterogeneity in growth risk, particularly between the more vulnerable durable goods sector and the more resilient nondurable...
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During the Great Moderation, macroeconomic volatility declined while firm markups increased. We document a causal relationship between volatility and markups due to tacit collusion. We exploit the legalisation of interstate banking as an exogenous decrease in volatility. Using an instrumental...
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This paper provides an empirical assessment of the degree of competition in Hong Kong SAR using industry-level data. Although due to data limitations only approximate measures of competitiveness can be estimated, the results do suggest that Hong Kong SAR is as competitive as a typical OECD...
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We provide empirical investigations into the nexus between bank market power economic growth using nationalized bank data from 44 African countries from 2002 to 2015. The paper also explores how institutional quality factors influence the mechanisms through which banks with market power...
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Digitalisation can be viewed as a major supply/technology shock affecting macroeconomic aggregates that are important for monetary policy, such as output, productivity, investment, employment and prices. This paper takes stock of developments in the digital economy and their possible impacts...
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