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forecasting approach for East German GDP that takes data availability in real time and regional economic indicators into account …
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This paper derives new theoretical results for forecasting with Global VAR (GVAR) models. It is shown that the presence … that (a) regardless of the forecasting methods considered, PMIs are useful for nowcasting, but their value added diminishes … factor-augmented high-dimensional VAR model. The small sample properties of the proposed solution are investigated by Monte …
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We analyze the performance of a broad range of nowcasting and short-term forecasting models for a representative set of … indicators that come from a comparable set of identical data. We show that nowcasting works well for the new EU countries because … nowcasting is on average somewhat larger. …
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forecasting. Economic forecasting is made difficult by economic complexity, which implies non-linearities (multiple interactions … the algorithm in forecasting GDP growth 3- to 12-months ahead is assessed through simulations in pseudo-real-time for six …
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indicators for forecasting quarterly Chinese GDP growth. We iterate the evaluation over forecast horizons from 370 days to 1 day … 2009. Industrial production can be quite valuable for now- or even forecasting, but only if it is released shortly after … manufacturing purchasing managers' index of the Chinese National Bureau of Statistics help much for now- or forecasting. Our results …
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nowcasting and forecasting quarterly world GDP using mixed-frequency models. We find that a recently proposed indicator that …
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This paper proposes a new way of computing a coincident indicator for economic activity in France using data from business surveys. We use the generalized dynamic factor model not; la Forni and others (2000) to extract common components from a large number of survey observations. The results...
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We use quantile random forests (QRF) to study the efficiency of the growth forecasts published by three leading German economic research institutes for the sample period from 1970 to 2017. To this end, we use a large array of predictors, including topics extracted by means of...
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In the first months of 2019, Russian industry preserved output growth amid the recovery of the sales upward dynamics and around zero balance estimates of finished goods inventory. Nearly half of enterprises consider insufficient demand a major setback for significant output growth. Nevertheless,...
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