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We build a model for bond yields based on a small-scale representation of an economy with secular declines in inflation … bond yields via the term premium. …
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secular and cyclical components that both drive bond yields. We impose the economic restriction that expected bond returns are … show that the expectation components in bond yields exhibit similar impulse-response functions across structural shocks but …
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Because of the uncertainty about how to model the growth process of our economy, there is still much confusion about which discount rates should be used to evaluate actions having long-lasting impacts, as in the contexts of climate change, social security reforms or large public infrastructures...
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We analyze the role of macroeconomic fundamentals for the term structure of sovereign bond yields. We take a structured … roughly triple the predictive ability of five yield-based factors for bond returns, capturing a large portion of time …
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Because of the uncertainty about how to model the growth process of our economy, there is still much confusion about which discount rates should be used to evaluate actions having long-lasting impacts, as in the contexts of climate change, social security reforms or large public infrastructures...
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The recent macro-finance yield curve literature does not agree neither about term premia empirical properties nor about the importance or even the direction of its relationship with future economic activity. This paper proposes a two-step approach to handle both problems. First, in a VAR...
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I build a dynamic capital structure model that demonstrates how business-cycle variations in expected growth rates, economic uncertainty, and risk premia influence firms' financing and default policies. Countercyclical fluctuations in risk prices, default probabilities, and default losses arise...
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This paper explores bond pricing implications of a stochastic endogenous growth model with imperfect price adjustment … inflation dynamics are crucial for explaining a number of stylized facts in bond markets. Notably, when calibrated to a wide … range of macroeconomic data, the model quantitatively explains the means and volatilities of nominal bond yields. The model …
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We construct risk-neutral return probability distributions from S&P 500 options data over the decade 2003 to 2013, separable into pre-crisis, crisis and post-crisis regimes. The pre-crisis period is characterized by increasing realized and, especially, option-implied returns. This translates...
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discount and U.S. industrial production growth rates forecast up to 25% of the dollar return variation at the one-year horizon …
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