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We theoretically explore long-run stagnation at the zero lower bound in a representative agent framework. We analytically compare expectations-driven stagnation to a secular stagnation episode and find contrasting policy implications for changes in government spending, supply shocks and...
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This paper studies uncertainty using the ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters' data. We consider both inflation and … are based on subjective probability distributions of survey respondents. Our analysis indicates that individual inflation … inflation uncertainty has a negative impact on economic activity by decreasing output growth and increasing inflation and …
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Inflation and inflation uncertainty are critical factors influencing the functioning of markets and thus the efficient … flow of economic activities. In this study, we investigated the effects of inflation and inflation uncertainty on growth in … Ghana. Unlike the majority of the previous studies, we distinguished the short-run effects of inflation and inflation …
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This paper investigates how inflation and its uncertainty impact GDP growth in eight Central and Eastern European … Countries. Inflation uncertainty series are created examining several GARCH models in combination with three different … distribution functions, while the nonlinear effect of inflation and its uncertainty on GDP growth is assessed in the Bayesian …
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-recession trend, suggesting hysteresis. Second, while inflation has decreased, it has decreased less than anticipated, suggesting a … breakdown of the relation between inflation and activity. To examine the first, we look at 122 recessions over the past 50 years … unemployment on inflation,for given expected inflation, decreased until the early 1990s, but has remained roughly stable since then …
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below the pre-recession trend, suggesting hysteresis. Second, while inflation has decreased, it has decreased less than … anticipated, suggesting a breakdown of the relation between inflation and activity. To examine the first, we look at 122 … find that the effect of unemployment on inflation, for given expected inflation, decreased until the early 1990s but has …
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We analyze output growth and risk as the joint outcomes of financial liberalization. Using an industry panel of 55 … goes through the channel of increased risk, implying that treating growth and risk independently may overestimate the … associated with higher risk are mitigated by strong institutions …
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What is the impact of climate change on inflation and growth dynamics? This is not a simple question to answer as … climate-related shocks affect inflation and economic growth also depends on long-run scarring in the economy and the country … investigate how climate shocks, as measured by climate-induced natural disasters, influence inflation and economic growth in a …
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developments, the risk of stagflation-a combination of high inflation and sluggish growth-has risen. The recovery from the …Global inflation has risen sharply from its lows in mid-2020, on rebounding global demand, supply bottlenecks, and … soaring food and energy prices, especially since the Russian Federation's invasion of Ukraine. Markets expect inflation to …
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The Austrian theory mainly deals with analyzing the effects of an increased credit offer on productive structures. In … Cycles affected when a fall in the money market rate disrupts agents' expectations of inflation? Using the hypothesis that … fluctuations. Under the hypothesis of adaptive expectations of inflation, our results are enhanced …
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