Showing 1 - 10 of 21
In Canada, the selection of economic immigrants throughout the 1990s and 2000s was based largely on the human capital model of immigration. This model posits that selecting immigrants with high levels of human capital is particularly advantageous in the long run. It is argued that higher...
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Au Canada, au cours des annees 1990 et des annees 2000, la selection des immigrants economiques s?est appuyee principalement sur le modele d?immigration axe sur le capital humain. Ce modele a pour premisse que selectionner des immigrants dont le niveau de capital humain est eleve est...
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A partir de l'Enquete sur la diversite ethnique de 2002, le present article examine les differences de groupe selon l'origine nationale en ce qui a trait au niveau de scolarite universitaire chez les enfants d'immigrants au Canada. Nous avons determine que les enfants de parents immigrants de la...
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La question de savoir si les taux relatifs de mariages homogames ou assortatifs augmentent dans les democraties riches fait l'objet d'une importante controverse. Premierement, nous montrons que les resultats empiriques conflictuels qui alimentent le debat sont souvent un artefact d'autres...
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Whether or not relative rates of assortative marriage have been rising in the affluent democracies has been subject to considerable dispute. First, we show how the conflicting empirical findings that have fueled the debate are frequently an artifact of alternative methodological strategies for...
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Using the 2002 Ethnic Diversity Survey, this article examines the group differences by national origin in university educational attainment among the children of immigrants in Canada. We found that children of immigrant parents in most source region groups achieve higher university completion...
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This paper reviews the recent research on the determinants of the educational attainment among the children of immigrants (the 2nd generation) in Canada and the United States. The focus is on the gap in educational attainment between the 2nd and 3rd-and-higher generations (the children of...
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La deterioration des resultats economiques chez les nouveaux immigrants arrives au pays durant les annees 1980 et 1990 a suscite de vives inquietudes dans la population et de nombreux debats strategiques. En 1993, de nouvelles modifications ont ete apportees aux procedures de selection des...
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The deteriorating economic outcomes among immigrants entering during the 1980s and 1990s have prompted much public concern and policy debate. In 1993, immigrant selection procedures were further modified to increase immigrants' educational attainment and the share of immigrants in the "skilled"...
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This paper examines differences in postsecondary-participation rates between students with and without immigrant backgrounds in Switzerland and Canada. For both countries, a rich set of longitudinal data, including family background, family aspirations regarding postsecondary education, and...
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