Showing 1 - 10 of 821
After independence, the GCC countries relied heavily on foreign workers from fellow Arab countries. Thus, remittances flowed from GCC to other countries in MENA. In the 1980s-1990s labor source switched to South Asia; so did the flow of remittances. This paper examines the consequences of the...
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We study the persistence of the gender unemployment gap in the Italian regions in the 1992-2009 period. Results from unit-root tests analysis with structural break suggest that the process of gender catching-up in the unemployment rates is occurring in most of the regions but at different pace....
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This study examines whether the long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) holds in transition economies (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Russia) using monthly data over the 1995 - 2011 period. We apply a recently introduced panel stationary test, which...
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In this paper, we consider and examine the performance of two-step LM unit root tests with trend-breaks. In the first step, we jointly test for the existence and location of breaks using a maximum F-test. In the second step, we utilize the identified breaks and test for a unit root. A...
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In this paper, several seasonal unit root tests are analysed in the context of structural breaks at known time and a new break corrected test is suggested. We show that the widely used HEGY test as well as an LM variant thereof are asymptotically robust to seasonal mean shifts of finite...
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We analyse in this article the monthly structure of the Brazilian inflation rate by means of fractionally integrated techniques. This series is characterized by strong government interventions to bring inflation to a low level. We use a testing procedure due to Robinson (1994) which allow us to...
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This paper examines the possibility of unit roots in the presence of endogenously determined multiple structural breaks in the total, female and male labour force participation rates (LFPR) for Australia, Canada and the USA. We extend the procedure of Gil-Alana (2008) for single structural break...
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Unit root tests for time series with level shifts are considered. The level shift is assumed to occur at a known time point. In contrast to some other proposals the level shift is modeled as part of the intercept term of the stationary component of the data generation process which is separated...
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Two types of unit root tests which accommodate a structural level shift at a known point in time are extended to the situation where the break date is unknown. It is shown that for any estimator for the break date the tests have the same asymptotic distribution as the corresponding tests under...
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This paper tests the Purchasing Power Parity Theory of Exchange Rates dealing with Argentinean data for the period 1900-2006. This is equivalent to testing if the Real Exchange Rate is a stationary variable or if its components (the nominal exchange rate and the relative prices) are...
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