Showing 1 - 10 of 148
This paper explores the labor market, poverty, inequality and pro-poor growth dynamics in the recent economic crisis and recovery in Argentina. In the labor market it is possible to see the diverging experience of the economic crisis and recovery. For instance, the unemployed were more likely to...
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The questions addressed in this paper are: (i) does wage inequality increase with local population size, and if so, (ii) what are possible factors behind this increase? In a cross-section analysis of Swedish local labour markets using unique full population data, the article shows that urban...
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This paper employs Recentered Influence Function (RIF) regressions to examine the distributional effect of education on earnings in East Africa, using data from the Living Standards and Measurement Study (LSMS) for Malawi, Tanzania, and Uganda. Taking into consideration the pay period of the...
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This article studies the long run patterns and explanations of wage mobility as a characteristic of regional labor markets. Using German administrative data we describe wage mobility since 1975 in West and since 1992 in East Germany. Wage mobility declined substantially in East Germany in the...
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This paper compares trends in wage inequality in the U.S. and Germany using an approach developed by MaCurdy and Mroz (1995) to separate age, time, and cohort effects. Between 1979 and 2004, wage inequality increased strongly in both the U.S. and Germany but there were various country specific...
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Die Ungleichheit der Einkommensverteilung hat nicht zuletzt deshalb stark zugenommen, weil die Bezieher von Spitzeneinkommen überproportional hohe Einkommenszuwächse erzielten. Vor allem der mittlerweile immense Abstand der Gehälter von Topmanagern zu den von Normalverdienern wird in...
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Die Netto-Reallöhne sind in Deutschland seit Anfang der 90er Jahre kaum gestiegen. Von 2004 bis 2008 gingen sie sogar zurück, eine in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik einmalige Entwicklung, denn nie zuvor ging ein durchaus kräftiges Wirtschaftswachstum mit einer Senkung der realen...
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In a two-country model with trade driven by comparative advantages, it is considered how imperfectly competitive labour markets are affected by lower frictions in international goods trade. Easier goods trading is equivalent to increased mobility of employment across countries and thus a change...
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Even when international product market integration is taking place between fairly similar countries with low labour mobility, it may have important effects for labour markets by increasing the mobility of jobs. This creates both opportunities through exports and threats from imports. Is there...
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This paper attempts to add to the understanding of the causes for the differing recent developments in inequality in OECD countries. The similarity of shocks and technological changes affecting these countries suggests that interactions of these shocks and countryspecific institutions are...
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