Showing 1 - 10 of 17
Digitalisierung, Dekarbonisierung und der demografische Wandel stellen hohe, aber zum Teil regional unterschiedliche Anforderungen an die Arbeitsmärkte in Deutschland. Sowohl auf der Angebots- als auch auf der Nachfrageseite sind intelligente Anpassungsmaßnahmen erforderlich. In diesem...
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In this paper we compare estimates of immigrants' labor supply assimilation profiles using the Current Population Survey Annual Demographic Files (March ADS) and the Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Groups (ORGs). We use a measure that is seemingly consistent across both surveys:...
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Using the large variation in the inflow of immigrants across US states we analyze the impact of immigration on state employment, average hours worked, physical capital accumulation and, most importantly, total factor productivity and its skill bias. We use the location of a state relative to the...
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Die Studie der Coburger Hochschule/IAB arbeitet heraus, dass die Anzahl der Erwerbspersonen aus rein demographischen Gründen bis 2050 um ein Drittel vermindert sein wird. Sie nimmt deshalb zwei Faktoren in den Fokus, die diesem dramatischen Arbeitskräftemangel entgegenwirken können: Eine...
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Productivity is crucial for economic growth. In a time of challenges such as the population ageing, a growing migration flows and slowdown of the economy it is very important to know the impact of migrant workers in productivity and development. Therefore, this paper studies relevant migration...
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In this paper we compare estimates of immigrants' labor supply assimilation profiles using the Current Population Survey Annual Demographic Files (March ADS) and the Current Population Survey Outgoing Rotation Groups (ORGs). We use a measure that is seemingly consistent across both surveys:...
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