Showing 1 - 10 of 639
of residential electricity demand in Switzerland. We exploit Switzerland's unique local variation in topography …
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This study aims to estimate electricity demand functions in Japan's industrial and commercial sectors. We adopt data … the demand between the industrial and commercial sector. The results reveal that in both sectors, the price elasticity of … demand is extremely low in the short and long run and production elasticity is greater than price elasticity. Thus, price …
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We study the dynamics of residential electricity demand by exploiting a natural experiment that produced large and long … that the price elasticity of demand grows from -0.09 in the first six months to -0.27 two years later. We also estimate a …
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important role in meeting the growing demand for electricity but rebound effect can affect the effectiveness of conservation … policies. We decompose the sectoral electricity prices to capture the asymmetric demand response to electricity price changes … and estimate electricity demand elasticity during 1980 and 2015 to estimate the sectoral rebound effects. We find partial …
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In this paper, I estimate the price elasticity of residential electricity demand using household-level panel data for … different tier cut-offs. Based on these results, I estimate the price elasticity of electricity demand to be around -0.09. I …
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The timing of payment can enhance salience, making customers more price-responsive when paying before consumption rather than after. This study examines Indonesia’s nationwide switch to prepaid electricity metering, impacting over 40 million households. We find that prepaid metering users are...
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The timing of payment can enhance salience, making customers more price-responsive when paying before consumption rather than after. This study examines Indonesia's nationwide switch to prepaid electricity metering, impacting over 40 million households. We find that prepaid metering users are...
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reflect demand-side flexibility in the Swedish residential sector. Using stated preference data generated from a choice …
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In this paper we use panel data from a survey conducted on 30 Swiss utilities to estimate the Impact of demand …-side management (DSM) activities on residential electricity demand using DSM spending and an energy efficiency score. Using the … statistically significant effect on reducing the demand for residential electricity …
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Analyzing the impact of electricity price changes on electricity demand helps in energy supply planning. This study … estimated the electricity demand functions of households and industries, as well as the impact of electricity price hikes on … electricity demand following natural disasters. We found that structural changes occurred in various regions' electricity demand …
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