Showing 1 - 10 of 68
Lange Zeit favorisierte das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie eine zusätzliche Klimaabgabe für alte Kohlekraftwerke zur Erreichung der deutschen Klimaziele. Mit dem Kompromiss vom 1. Juli scheint dieser Vorschlag jetzt vom Tisch zu sein. Sind die Alternativvorschläge zur...
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Die dritte Handelsperiode des Europäischen Emissionshandelssystems (EU-ETS) zur Vermeidung von Treibhausgasemissionen startete im Jahr 2013 und läuft noch bis einschließlich 2020. Zieht man mach Ablauf der Halbzeit der Handelsperiode eine erste Bilanz, lässt sich feststellen, dass das...
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Within this paper, we analyse the fulfilment of the Kyoto-emissions reduction com-mitment exemplary in Germany and its implication on long-term paths of all macro-variables. Germany, like all other industrial or Annex B coun-tries, has to reduce its emissions by 2010 and after what we call a...
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This paper presents an estimation of the cost of reducing CO2 emissions as agreed in Kyoto by Annex I countries. Unlike most of the existing literature, this paper focuses on European Union countries' abatement costs and, using a simple model, estimates the role of each EU country within a EU...
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This paper presents an estimate of the costs of reducing CO2 emissions asagreed in Kyoto by Annex 1 countries. Unlike most of the existing literature, this paper uses an Almost Ideal Demand System model for energyproducts to estimate the role of each country within the Annex 1 market. A major...
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Das Erneuerbare Energiengesetz sieht für Strom aus Erneuerbaren Energien Einspeisevergütungen ohne eine Mengenbegrenzung vor. Dies führt zu fehlgeleiteten Anreizen, die einerseits den Strompreis erhöhen und andererseits den technischen Fortschritt begrenzen. Joachim Weimann setzt sich...
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We consider an industry with firms that produce a final good emitting pollution to different degree as a side effect. Pollution is regulated by a tradable quota system where some quotas may have been allocated at the outset, i.e. before the quota market is opened. We study how volatility in...
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This paper analyses whether recycling revenues from carbon emission permit auctions can reduce unemployment in the Spanish economy. Spain's deviation from EU's intermediate emission goals is more serious than for most other EU countries, and the unemployment is also well above the EU average. We...
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We investigate the effect of the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) on the economic performance of manufacturing firms in Germany. Our difference-in-differences framework relies on several parametric conditioning strategies and nearest neighbor matching. As a measure of economic...
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We consider an industry with firms that produce a final good emitting pollution to different degree as a side effect. Pollution is regulated by a tradable quota system where some quotas may have been allocated at the outset, i.e. before the quota market is opened. We study how volatility in...
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