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Global warming and the acute domestic air pollution in China have necessitated transition to a sustainable energy system away from coal-dominated energy production. Through a systematic review of the national policy documents, this study investigates the policy mix adopted by the Chinese...
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to account for these dynamics. The findings have two important implications. First, because investors in innovative … energy in developing countries, and discusses how to minimize the risk premium demanded by investors due to the policy risk …
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Die von der Bundesregierung - jüngst im Rahmen des Energiekonzepts und der sog. Energiewende verkündeten - Zielvorgaben verdeutlichen, dass fundamentale Strukturveränderungen im Energiesystem, eine weitgehende Abkehr von kohlenstoffintensiven fossilen Energieträgern und ein mittelfristiger...
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Die von der Bundesregierung - jüngst im Rahmen des Energiekonzepts und der sog. Energiewende verkündeten - Zielvorgaben verdeutlichen, dass fundamentale Strukturveränderungen im Energiesystem, eine weitgehende Abkehr von kohlenstoffintensiven fossilen Energieträgern und ein mittelfristiger...
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In this paper, I empirically estimate the relationship between digital technology and climate technology using the United States Patent and Trademark Office's patent database. I find that innovation in digital technology increases the number of patents for climate technology by 17.3% on average,...
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Across the globe, renewable energy policy is changing. The change is coming so quickly that it appears the world is now on the cusp of a new future. The renewable energy policy of the past is on its way out; a new and different policy is taking its place. That new policy has different end goals,...
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Après trente ans de croissance économique annuelle de 9,9 % en moyenne depuis les réformes économiques lancées en 1978, la Chine est devenue la deuxième puissance économique mondiale. Elle est également le premier émetteur de CO2 et consommateur énergétique et de matières premières....
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Indonesia and South Africa are both trying address energy poverty through subsidized energy provision. South Africa has implemented one of the largest electrification programmes in the world, and 80 per cent of the population now have access to the national grid. But this alone is unlikely to...
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Improvements in energy efficiency can help facing the on-going climate and energy crises, yet the energy intensity of economic activities at the global level in recent years has decreased more slowly than it is required to achieve climate goals. Based on this premise, the paper builds a...
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