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We report a portfolio-choice experiment that enables us to estimate parametric models of ambiguity aversion at the …
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processes we do not find that those subjects showing ambiguity aversion in an urn experiment based on Halevy (2007 …
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reduzieren. Die Studie untersucht, wie Risikoaversion, die Einstellung zu Ambiguität und verschiedene Persönlichkeitsmerkmale … individuelle Risikoaversion und die Einstellung zu Ambiguität einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Informationsnachfrage haben …
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Wir untersuchen neben Risikoaversion auch Risikopräferenzen höherer Ordnung, d.h. "Prudence" und "Temperance" in …
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. Using an experiment with online workers, we find that subjects choose the risky lottery rather than a sure payment …
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endowment effect experiment by eliciting both WTA and WTP from each of our 360 subjects (randomly selected customers of a car …
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We experimentally test overconfidence in investment decisions by offering participants the possibility to substitute their own for alternative investment choices. Overall, 149 subjects participated in two experiments, one with just one risky asset, the other with two risky assets. Overconfidence...
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The preference reversal phenomenon is one of the most important, long-standing, and widespread anomalies contradicting economic models of decisions under risk. It describes the robust observation of frequent "standard reversals" where long-shot gambles are valued above moderate ones but then the...
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Prior research suggests that those who rely on intuition rather than effortful reasoning when making decisions are less averse to risk and ambiguity. The evidence is largely correlational, however, leaving open the question of the direction of causality. In this paper, we present experimental...
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decision making in an interpersonal context. The influence of social comparison on risky choices is explored in an experiment …
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