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We investigate whether residential development patterns from a rapidly growing exurban area are consistent with the urban economic model's predictions of leapfrog and infill development. Using historical data on subdivision development from 1960-2005 in the Baltimore, Maryland region, we develop...
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This chapter contrasts the process of urbanization in China and in India. It characterizes the differences in outcomes with regard to the provision of urban infrastructure and the development of informality in each country. The role of local autonomy and governance structures help to explain...
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This short article discusses urban redevelopment, and its relation to economic productivity and various concepts of well being. It notes that solutions adopted in one era are apt to be the problems of the next. The article then introduces the four articles comprising the George Mason Law Review...
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Exurbia, the rural area beyond the built-up urban and contiguous suburban area, is being developed rapidly with attendant losses in habitat and ecosystem services. This paper analyzes a spatial dynamic model with two production technologies for residential development - municipal sewer service...
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Michael Hüther, Direktor des Instituts der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln, betont, dass mehr Geduld vonnöten sei. Man sei 20 Jahre nach dem Mauerfall zwar immer noch von den seinerzeitigen Wünschen und Erwartungen entfernt, doch habe die Entwicklung auch positiv überrascht.
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Michael Hüther, Direktor des Instituts der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln, betont, dass mehr Geduld vonnöten sei. Man sei 20 Jahre nach dem Mauerfall zwar immer noch von den seinerzeitigen Wünschen und Erwartungen entfernt, doch habe die Entwicklung auch positiv überrascht.
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Gibbs, D., Deutz, P. and Proctor, A. (2005) Industrial ecology and eco-industrial development: a potential paradigm for local and regional development?, Regional Studies 39 , 171-183. Increasingly, concepts such as sustainable development and ecological modernization have entered into local and...
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This paper contributes to the growing political economy literature of within-country natural resources management, by proposing a new resource policy for the oil-rich southern Italian region of Basilicata. The policy proposal is to establish a (regional) wealth fund in which all the royalty...
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In the present study, our primary concern is to examine the effects of poverty on economic development across the Brazilian States from 1980 to 2015. Many studies assess the effects of economic growth and economic development on poverty incidence, but there is almost no one trying to measure the...
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Regional disparities in the development of regions of a country may slow the growth of the entire national economy. Determination of such disparities is required for the creation of proper economic policies, needed to take actions against factors hindering economic growth. Hidden economy is, on...
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