Showing 1 - 10 of 606
We examine the effect of testing for Coronavirus on deaths in eight countries over the month of March 2020 by estimating a fixed-effect regression model using the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM). On average, the data reject the hypothesis that "testing" for the virus does not affect death....
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The European continent faces an apocalyptic pandemic that poses mortal danger to millions of citizens. This paper seeks to address the role played by European public policy in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, each Member State across Europe is applying its own measures to deal with...
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Continents are facing an apocalyptic pandemic that pose a mortal danger to millions of its citizens. This paper seeks to address the role of intellectual property law in addressing the problem of COVID-19 pandemic. We suggest that current international IP law regime and TRIPS Agreement do not...
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We study the impact of the 1918 influenza pandemic on economic performance in Sweden. The pandemic was one of the severest and deadliest pandemics in human history, but it has hitherto received only scant attention in the economic literature - despite important implications for modern-day...
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We study the impact of the 1918 influenza pandemic on economic performance in Sweden. The pandemic was one of the severest and deadliest pandemics in human history, but it has hitherto received only scant attention in the economic literature - despite important implications for modern-day...
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Eine neue Studie zeigt, dass Krisenerfahrung die Präferenz für Impfungen gegen Covid-19 und die Impfgeschwindigkeit im Winter 2020/2021 erhöht hat (Gründler et al. 2021). Wir entwickeln eine Theorie zum Einfluss von Krisenerfahrung auf Impfverhalten und testen diese anhand von Mikro- und...
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Ein Kollaps der Krankenhäuser und insbesondere der Intensivstationen konnte während der Covid-19-Krise in den vergangenen zwei Jahren vermieden werden. Allerdings hat die Pandemie grundlegende Probleme des deutschen Gesundheitssystems offengelegt. Es war nicht auf die Krise vorbereitet:...
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Durch die Corona-Pandemie haben digitale Technologien in Unternehmen an Bedeutung gewonnen. Auf Basis einer Betriebsbefragung des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung untersuchen die Autor:innen, ob Unternehmen vermehrt in digitale Technologien investiert haben und welche Rolle dabei...
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A number of shortcomings in Germany's efforts to contain the spread of the coronavirus, including fraudulent testing, vaccination fraud and insufficient testing capacity have been identified and need to be remedied before another wave or worse, another pandemic. This paper examines the failures...
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