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This paper presents an equation of the dynamic path of prices in a monopolistically competitive market in which firms sell to both old and new customers. Both types are able to search for the lowest price, given search costs, where the expected number of searches is given by the inverse of the...
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This paper investigates the finance-growth nexus where bank credit is decomposed into investment, consumption, and working capital credit. From a panel dataset of provinces in Indonesia, it documents that higher financial development measured by financial deepening and financial intermediation...
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We document that a theoretically founded, real-time, and easy-to-implement option-based measure, termed synthetic-stock difference (SSD), accurately estimates the part of stock's expected return arising from stock's transaction costs. We calculate SSD for U.S. optionable stocks. SSD can be more...
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This paper provides a review of some results on the stability of random dynamical systems and indicates a number of applications to stochastic growth models, linear and non-linear time series models, statistical estimation of invariant distributions, and random iterations of quadratic maps....
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Did the Federal Reserves' Quantitative Easing (QE) in the aftermath of the financial crisis have macroeconomic effects? To answer this question, the authors estimate a large-scale DSGE model over the sample from 1998 to 2020, including data of the Fed's balance sheet. The authors allow for QE to...
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Did the Federal Reserve's Quantitative Easing (QE) in the aftermath of the financial crisis have macroeconomic effects? To answer this question, we estimate a large-scale DSGE model over the sample from 1998 until 2020, including data of the Fed's balance sheet. We allow for QE to affect the...
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This paper replicates the study "A Model of Secular Stagnation: Theory and Quantitative Evaluation" by Eggertsson et al. (2019) using the Dynare toolkit. Replication is important as it confirms the results of the original article, provides a user-friendly version using Dynare (Adjemian et al.,...
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The Hurst exponent is a measure of long-range dependency of a time series. In this paper we present a method of estimation of the Hurst exponent for a time series that corresponds to the price of an asset portfolio. The approach is based on the computation of the R/S ratio (range/standard...
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Order flow in equity markets is remarkably persistent in the sense that order signs (to buy or sell) are positively autocorrelated out to time lags of tens of thousands of orders, corresponding to many days. Two possible explanations are herding, corresponding to positive correlation in the...
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A growing literature estimates the macroeconomic effect of weather using variations in annual country-level averages of temperature and precipitation. However, averages may not reveal the effects of extreme events that occur at a higher time frequency or higher spatial resolution. To address...
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