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stockholders' consumption risk has strong predictive power for market returns with 39% in-sample and 19% out-of-sample R …' consumption risk explains 40% of the cross-sectional average returns. Stockholders' consumption risk also partially explains the …' consumption risk reverses the findings in the literature using aggregate consumption risk: stockholders' consumption risk varies …
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Model-selection uncertainty corresponds to the uncertainty about the true lag order of the autoregressive process that should be picked. This paper shows that all model-selection criteria perform poorly in small samples. Model-selection uncertainty adds to the bias and variability in the...
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We describe characteristics of various risk measures (Value-at-Risk, Expected Shortfall, etc.) that are used to analyze … and quantify the tail risk exposure, and discuss their relative strengths and weaknesses. Emphasis is placed on presenting … and comparing methodologies to compute and backtest estimates for these risk measures, from a practical perspective. We …
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Considerable literature has been devoted to developing statistical inferential results for risk measures, especially … a number of risk measures that are of the form of ratios, or even more complex combinations, of two L-functionals. In … the present paper we call such combinations ‘coupled risk measures' and develop a statistical inferential theory for them …
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An intensive and still growing body of research focuses on estimating a portfolio’s Value-at-Risk.Depending on both the … Garman [1996a, 1997a] under the assumption that returns are drawnfrom a multivariate normal distribution. For many portfolios … to cause seriousdistortions in VaR calculations, one has to resort to either alternative distribution specifications …
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nonstochastic explanatory variables and innovations suspected to be non-normal. The main stress is on the case of distribution of …
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Fractional cointegration is viewed from a semiparametric viewpoint as a narrow-band phenomenon at frequency zero. We study a narrow-band frequency domain least squares estimate of the cointegrating vector, and related semiparametric methods of inference for testing the memory of observables and...
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The seasonal structure of quarterly UK and Japanese consumption and income is examined by means of fractionally-based tests proposed by Robinson (1994). These series were analysed from an autoregressive unit root viewpoint by Hylleberg, Engle, Granger and Yoo (HEGY, 1990) and Hylleberg, Engle,...
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We estimate the effect of motherhood on wages using matching. We distinguish between net and direct effects. The net effect includes the total wage costs, whereas the direct represents the causal effect. Since covariates are likely affected by motherhood, the latter effect is not immediately...
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There are many economic parameters that depend on nonparametric first steps. Examples include games, dynamic discrete choice, average exact consumer surplus, and treatment effects. Often estimators of these parameters are asymptotically equivalent to a sample average of an object referred to as...
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