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We study the real-time characteristics and drivers of jumps in option prices. To this end, we employ high frequency data from the 24-hour E-mini S&P 500 options market. We find that option prices do not jump simultaneously across strikes and maturities and are uncorrelated with jumps in the...
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This article develops a continuous-time asset pricing model for valuing corporate securities in the presence of secured and unsecured debt. We consider a framework where creditors dominate the renegotiation process. We show that the unsecured creditors are incentivized to liquidate the firm...
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liquidity is low, but smaller on weekdays and when investors pay more attention to liquid staking. Furthermore, liquid staking …
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In this paper, we present a novel method to extract the risk-neutral probability of default from American put option prices. Under the assumptions of Carr and Wu (2011), we derive a closed form expression for American put options from which the probability of default can be inferred. Our...
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Default risk in equity returns can be measured by structural models of default. In this paper we propose a credit warning signal (CWS) based on the Merton default risk (MDR) model and a Regime-switching default risk (RSDR) model. The RSDR model is a generalization of the MDR model, comprises...
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Merton's structural model for sovereigns is proven to be useful to analyze the default risk of a country. We are the first to investigate how fast CDS spreads react to changes in model inputs and outputs. CDS spread changes strongly correlate with exchange rate returns, which are an input to the...
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Option markets have significant variation in liquidity across different option series. Illiquidity reduces the … attached to illiquid options. We find that this liquidity weighted scheme outperforms conventional schemes such as the …
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We study the exposure of the U.S. corporate bond returns to liquidity shocks of stocks and treasury bonds over the … period 1973-2007 in a regime switching model. In one regime, liquidity shocks have mostly insignificant effect on bond prices … default), suggest the existence of time-varying liquidity risk of corporate bond returns conditional on episodes of flight to …
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This paper considers a simple model of credit risk and derives the limit distribution of losses under different assumptions regarding the structure of systematic and idiosyncratic risks and the nature of firm heterogeneity. It documents a rich and complex interaction between the underlying model...
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We find out-of-sample predictability of commodity futures excess returns using forecast combinations of 28 potential predictors. Such gains in forecast accuracy translate into economically significant improvements in certainty equivalent returns and Sharpe ratios for a mean-variance investor....
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