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We use the expected lifetime range (ELR) ratio based on the extreme values of asset prices to detect the presence of mean reversion in stock returns. We find that the actual cross-sectional average of the ELR ratio is significantly less than its bootstrap means, thereby indicating a considerable...
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In this paper we propose exact likelihood-based mean-variance efficiency tests of the market portfolio in the context of Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), allowing for a wide class of error distributions which include normality as a special case. These tests are developed in the framework of...
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-likelihood ratio test of no-cointegration on the estimated p-r common trends that are not cointegrated under the null. The order of …
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This paper discusses two alternative two-part models for fractional response variables that are defined as ratios of integers. The first two-part model assumes a Binomial distribution and known group size. It nests the one-part fractional response model proposed by Papke and Wooldridge (1996)...
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returns. We prove consistency and asymptotic normality of a symmetric variance estimator and of a one-sided variance estimator …
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, which are robust to weak identification and allow for non-Gaussian distributions including parametric GARCH structures. In … the Maximized Monte Carlo test method - are generally preferable to their Wald-HAC counterparts from the viewpoints of …
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Permutation techniques, where one recompute the test statistic over permutations of data, have a long history in … permutation tests for examining returns to scale assumptions, nor for test of common production possibility sets, when analysing … productivity have been available. We develop three novel tests based on permutations of the observations. The first is a test for …
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received much attention in the econometrics literature. We study test performance in the context of specification testing for … all subsidiary null hypotheses outperform the well-known minimum P-value test and a recently proposed test that relies on … the non-parametric estimation of the joint density of all subsidiary test statistics. …
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-likelihood ratio test of no-cointegration on the estimated p-r common trends that are not cointegrated under the null. The order of …
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