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investment (FDI) in Korea. Monthly data retrieved from the Bank of Korea from January 1999 to March 2012 are examined. A …. The present study finds that, first, long‐run causation between exchange rates and FDI flows exists, which implies that a … change in exchange rates negatively affects FDI flows in the long run. Second, short‐run causation between exchange rates and …
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This paper tries to investigate the Long Term and Short term casual relationship between Foreign Direct Investment (FDI … Direct Investment (FDI) and Foreign exchange rates (FX) expect for YEN/INR. The Short-term relationship test confirms that … there exists a uni-directional relationship between the FX and FDI. Therefore FX has stronger ability to predict subsequent …
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direct investment (FDI) inflows in India using quarterly data from 1990:II to 2008:I. Generalized Auto Regressive Conditional … run relationship among FDI, RER and the GARCH measure of exchange rate volatility, and also a short run causality flow … from RER and its volatility to FDI. However, we find no discernible link from FDI to RER and its volatility in the short …
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affected by the flows of FDI, GDP per capita, Capital formulation and House hold consumption. The results have profound …
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This paper considers the nature and the distribution of trade and FDI effects of a potential enlargement of the … and the distribution of outward FDI stocks among these countries. The results reveal a complementarity between trade and …. Using a simulation-based technique, we find that estimates of FDI effects of EMU range between 18.5% for Poland and 30% for …
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and foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows in China. The justification is that the undertaken topic is preeminent for … of China are analyzed. The main empirical results indicate that a change in exchange rates negatively affects FDI inflows … fluctuations and FDI inflows. Furthermore, a structural break occurs during the 2007-2009 global financial crisis shock to FDI …
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The paper examines the impact of exchange rates on foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows into the United States in … the context of a model that allows for the interdependence of FDI over time. Interdependence is modeled as a two …-state Markov process where the two states can be interpreted as either a favorable or an unfavorable environment for FDI in an …
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The depreciation of currency expected to increase the cost of borrowing of the firms that denominate debt in foreign currency and thus adversely affect the investment and net worth of the firms. This study examines the effect of currency depreciation on investment of those firms that hold...
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This paper provides new empirical evidence on the relationship between real effective exchange rate uncertainty and aggregate investment in six Latin American economies. Its main contributions are that it explicitly tests for linear as well as non-linear effects of uncertainty in a time-series...
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Over the last decade foreign bond portfolio positions in US dollar assets have risen above the reciprocal US investor positions in foreign currencies. In periods of increased economic uncertainty, institutional investors hedge their international bond positions, which creates a net hedging...
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