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This article investigates how a firm's financial strength affects its dynamic decision to invest in R&D. We estimate a dynamic model of R&D choice using data for German firms in high-tech manufacturing industries. The model incorporates a measure of the firm's financial strength, derived from...
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This article investigates how a firm's financial strength affcts its dynamic decision to invest in R&D. We estimate a dynamic model of R&D choice using data for German firms in high-tech manufacturing industries. The model incorporates a measure of the firm's financial strength, derived from its...
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Thickets of partially overlapping patent rights raise costs to secure IPR for innovation. Fragmented IP ownership … capital-intensities among owners of overlapping patents affect propensities to invest in innovation. I find that firms with … small patent portfolios are less likely to invest in innovation if IPR is fragmented. Firms with large patent portfolios are …
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Based on data from Germany, this study finds a positive link between using knowledge spillovers from rivals and … innovation success in establishments without R&D but not in establishments with R&D. This supports the hypothesis that rivals …
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between innovation and growth in young firms. To this end, this paper develops an augmented YIC categorization that also … includes non-R&D innovators and young firms that conduct R&D but have not yet brought an innovation to the market. Using panel … data from Germany, we examine the growth trajectories of these different types of YICs. Our evidence suggests that non …
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This paper discusses the determinants of product innovation in young innovative companies (YICs) by looking at in …-house R&D is linked to the propensity to introduce product innovation both in mature firms and YICs; however, innovation …
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In this work, we explore the relations between sales growth and a set of innovation indicators that capture the … different sources, modes and results of the innovative activity undertaken within firms. We exploit a rich panel on innovation …-2011. Standard GMM-panel estimates of the average effect of innovation activities reveal significant and positive effect for internal …
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the relation between the introduction of innovation and subsequent firm growth in terms of sales. Recent contributions … examining the returns to innovation on firm performance have stressed the need of going beyond the analysis of the "average … adopt quantile treatment effects (QTE) which allow to estimate the effect of the introduction of innovation by comparing …
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This paper looks at the relationship between patents and economic growth in Japan and South Korea using both individual country and panel data. For the econometric estimation, we use annual data for 1963-2005. For Japan, we find that the logarithms of real GDP and the number of patents are...
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This paper examines empirically the relationship between innovation and market structure within a simultaneous … applied to a newly constructed panel for Germany. Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimation techniques for dynamic panel … concentration. In contrast, competition enforces innovation, i.e. sales concentration has a negative impact on R&D. …
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