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employment and fertility among women, as well as long‐run cognitive outcomes among children. A dynamic structural model of … employment, fertility, and child care use is estimated using Norwegian administrative data. The estimation exploits a large … that the reform generates sizable changes in employment and fertility decisions, especially among low‐education women. We …
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Based on a structural model of fertility and female labour force supply with unobserved heterogeneity and state … generous earnings-related transfer. The model predicts a short-term fertility effect of about 4%, which is consistent with … recent quasi-experimental evidence. The fertility effect is strongest for first births and increases with income. We use the …
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This paper studies the effects of import competition from China and Eastern Europe (EE) on the fertility decisions of … import competition to longitudinal individual data to examine individual fertility. Two separate measures of import exposure … remarkably during the panel years. Fixed-effects instrumental variable (FEIV) estimation results show that individual fertility …
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We study the causal effect of motherhood on labour market outcomes in Latin America by adopting an event study approach around the birth of the first child based on panel data from national household surveys for Chile, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay. Our main contributions are: (i) providing new and...
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This paper argues that the pace to return to work after childbirth is not independent of family values. I evaluate the effect of a parental leave policy reform in Germany in 2007-aimed at incentivizing an earlier return to work - on the return to work of mothers who hold different family values....
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We estimate the effect of motherhood on wages using matching. We distinguish between net and direct effects. The net effect includes the total wage costs, whereas the direct represents the causal effect. Since covariates are likely affected by motherhood, the latter effect is not immediately...
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Discouraged workers are those who have given up search due to (perceived) low chances of obtaining work. In this paper we first develop a model for the probability of being in the labor force as a function of the probability of getting an acceptable job offer. This model is based on standard...
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This paper studies the labour force participation dynamics of older couples in the United States. Longitudinal data from the five available waves of the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) is used to investigate if the dynamics introduced by considering both spouses' behavior provide additional...
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Two particular features of the position of women in the British labour market are the extensive role of part-time work and the large part-time pay penalty. Part-time work features most prominently when women are in their 30s, the peak childcare years and, particularly for more educated women, a...
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This paper presents an empirical framework for the analysis of mothers' labor supply and child care choices, explicitly taking into account access restrictions to subsidized child care. This is particularly important for countries such as Germany, where subsidized child care is rationed and...
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