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How much does inequality matter for the business cycle and vice versa? Using a Bayesian likelihood approach, we … income risk and taxes. We find that adding data on inequality does not materially change the estimated shocks and frictions … income inequality. The systematic components of monetary and fiscal policy are important for inequality as well. …
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Our paper picks up the current controversial debate about increasing (income) inequality due to recent monetary policy … policy to overall income inequality works we pick up two major channels dominant in literature: The employment channel and … address and mitigate harmful effects of increased market in- come inequality. …
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on aggregate demand is amplified in this setup by inequality between saver and hand-to-mouth households. The …
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reduction in US corporate tax rates can generate the joint evolution of rising wealth inequality, rising capital-output ratio …
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We investigate whether US households possess advance information about their future income and what this means for consumption insurance. Based on insights from a theoretical model, we propose a new test to detect advance information, which requires only panel data on consumption and income....
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this return inequality? I study capital taxation in an economy in which return rates endogenously correlate with wealth … lower marginal tax rates. The endogeneity of returns generates an inequality multiplier effect between wealth and its …
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I examine how changes in the receipt of social transfers benefits associated to program reforms have affected the Canadian income distribution over the 1996-2006 period. Using the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics, I apply nonparametric decomposition methods to construct density...
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Estimates of Frisch labor-supply elasticities are biased in the presence of borrowing constraints. We show that this estimation bias is less pronounced for secondary than for primary earners. The reason is that, in households with two earners and joint borrowing constraints, wage-rate...
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In this paper, we document that households' consumption expenditures crucially depend on their expected earnings - even after controlling for realized earnings, wealth and time-invariant unobserved characteristics such as permanent income and over-confidence. To explain this evidence, we develop...
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In this paper, we document that households' consumption expenditures depend on their expected earnings - even after controlling for realized earnings and wealth. To explain this evidence, we develop and structurally estimate a standard-incomplete markets model in which rational households...
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