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This paper shows that popular linear fixed-effects panel-data estimators (first-differences, within-transformation) are biased and inconsistent when applied in a discrete-time hazard setting, that is, one with the outcome variable being a binary dummy indicating an absorbing state, even if the...
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This paper introduces a new estimator for the fixed-effects binary choice model. The proposed method consists of eliminating the fixed effect by reworking the inequalities implied by the binary choice model and is akin in spirit to a linear panel first-difference estimator. The new method is...
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Causal effects of a policy change on the hazard rates of a duration outcome variable are not identified from a comparison of spells before and after the policy change when there is unobserved heterogeneity in the effects and no model structure is imposed. We develop a discontinuity approach that...
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This paper develops a sample selection model for fractional response variables, i.e., variables taking values in the [0, 1]-interval. It provides an extension of the Papke and Wooldridge (1996) fractional probit model to the case of non-random sample selectivity. The model differs from the...
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Causal effects of a policy change on hazard rates of a duration outcome variable are not identified from a comparison of spells before and after the policy change, if there is unobserved heterogeneity in the effects and no model structure is imposed. We develop a discontinuity approach that...
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A Bayesian analysis is given of a random effects probit model that allows for heteroscedasticity. Real and simulated examples illustrate the approach and show that ignoring heteroscedasticity when it exists may lead to biased estimates and poor prediction. The computation is carried out by an...
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Causal effects of a policy change on hazard rates of a duration outcome variable are not identified from a comparison of spells before and after the policy change if there is unobserved heterogeneity in the effects and no model structure is imposed. We develop a discontinuity approach that...
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Estimation procedures for ordered categories usually assume that the estimated coefficients of independent variables do not vary between the categories (parallel-lines assumption). This view neglects possible heterogeneous effects of some explaining factors. This paper describes the use of an...
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We propose a new non-linear regression model for rating dependent variables. The rating scale model accounts for the upper and lower bounds of ratings. Parametric and semi-parametric estimation is discussed. An application investigates the relationship between stated health satisfaction and...
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Causal effects of a policy change on hazard rates of a duration outcome variable are not identified from a comparison of spells before and after the policy change, if there is unobserved heterogeneity in the effects and no model structure is imposed. We develop a discontinuity approach that...
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