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In this study, we apply a rolling window approach to wavelet-filtered (denoised) S&P500 returns (2000–2020) to obtain time varying Hurst exponents. We analyse the dynamics of the Hurst exponents by applying statistical tests (e.g., for stationarity, Gaussianity and self-similarity), a...
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We examine the pricing of tail risk in international stock markets. We find that the tail risk of different countries … mainly driven by global tail risk rather than local tail risk. World fear is also priced in the crosssection of stock returns …
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We combine high-frequency stock returns with risk-neutralization to extract the daily common component of tail risks … perceived by investors in the cross-section of firms. We find that our tail risk measure significantly predicts the equity … premium, variance risk premium and realized moments of market returns at short-horizons. Furthermore, a long-short portfolio …
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This paper introduces a new tail risk measure based on the risk-neutral excess expected shortfall of a cross-section of … stock returns. We propose a novel way to risk neutralize the returns without relying on option price information …. Empirically, we illustrate our methodology by estimating a tail risk measure over a long historical period based on a set of size …
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This paper studies the intertemporal relation between U.S. volatility risk and international equity risk premia. We … show that a common volatility risk factor constructed from the option-implied U.S. forward variances positively and … robust to the inclusion of existing domestic and U.S. predictors and alternative U.S. volatility risk proxies. The …
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We propose a new measure of time-varying tail risk that is directly estimable from the cross section of returns. We … exploit firm-level price crashes every month to identify common fluctuations in tail risk across stocks. Our tail measure is … significantly correlated with tail risk measures extracted from S&P 500 index options, but is available for a longer sample since it …
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We examine the predictive ability of the aggregate earnings yield for market returns and earnings growth by estimating variance decompositions at multiple horizons. Based on weighted long-horizon regressions, we find that most of the variation in the earnings yield is due to return...
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This paper examines the cross-sectional properties of stock return forecasts based on Fama-MacBeth regressions using all firms contained in the STOXX Europe 600 index during the September 1999-December 2018 period. Our estimation approach is strictly out-of-sample, mimicking an investor who...
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We examine the post-IPO excess stock returns of hospitality firms from 1996 to 2012 and find underperformance relative to the market on average. However, there are large differences in returns and some firms significantly outperform. We demonstrate that a substantial portion of this variation...
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We analyze U.S. stock return predictability using a measure of credit standards (Standards) derived from the Federal Reserve Board's Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices. Standards is a strong predictor of stock returns at a business cycle frequency, especially in the...
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