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of selection) in matching, instrumental variable and control functions methods. (2) It contrasts the roles of exclusion … restrictions in matching and selection models. (3) It characterizes the sensivity of matching to the choice of conditioning …. (4) It demonstrates the problem of choosing the conditioning variables in matching and the failure of conventional model …
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matching estimators. As an illustration of the applicability of the theory, we derive the asymptotic distribution of a matching …Matching estimators are widely used in statistical data analysis. However, the distribution of matching estimators has … matching estimators. This representation allows the use of martingale limit theorems to derive the asymptotic distribution of …
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Data on the number of people who have committed suicide tends to be reported with a substantial time lag of around two years. We examine whether online activity measured by Google searches can help us improve estimates of the number of suicide occurrences in England before official figures are...
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As I document using evidence from a journal data repository that I manage, the datasets used in empirical work are getting larger. When we use very large datasets, it can be dangerous to rely on standard methods for statistical inference. In addition, we need to worry about computational issues....
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What is Statistics? Opinions vary. In fact, there is a continuous spectrum of attitudes toward statistics ranging from pure theoreticians, proving asymptotic efficiency and searching for most powerful tests, to wild practitioners, blindly reporting p-values and claiming statistical significance...
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