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This paper explores the role that the imperfect knowledge of the structure of the economy plays in the uncertainty surrounding the effects of rule-based monetary policy on unemployment dynamics in the euro area and the US. We employ a Bayesian model averaging procedure on a wide range of models...
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This paper explores the role that the imperfect knowledge of the structure of the economy plays in the uncertainty surrounding the effects of rule-based monetary policy on unemployment dynamics in the euro area and the US. We employ a Bayesian model averaging procedure on a wide range of models...
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We estimate the dynamic effects of a high-frequency identified unionwide quantitative easing (QE) shock on real GDP, inflation and unemployment in all euro area countries. We document that the effects of QE are very heterogenous across countries as regards size, significance and timing,...
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December 2011 was a critical month for the Euro currency credibility within the Euro Zone. This is because for the latest 5 years of economic and financial crisis ardent economic and political debates are still trying to sort out the sequels of this recession. Within this context, this paper...
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revisions can contribute to the uncertainty surrounding key macroeconomic ratios and the NAIRU …
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model the NAIRU is considered to be a short-run limit to employment enforced by independent and conservative central banks …. In the long run, however, the NAIRU will follow actual unemployment and is therefore also dependent on the forces … determining aggregate demand, including monetary policies. But the NAIRU may also be reduced by effectively co-ordinated wage …
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a high unemployment rate as high as the NAIRU. However, there is also a slight chance that a central bank might take the …
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Wenige Jahre nach der Etablierung der EWU zeigt sich ein gespaltenes Bild. Trotz unbestreitbarer Erfolge bei der Sicherung von Preisstabilität scheint die Beschäftigungs-Performance des Euroraums getrübt. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird die These vertreten, dass dies auch an einer mangelhaften...
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Monetary policy has heterogeneous effects across euro area countries. There are strong correlations between cross-country monetary policy potency and housing and mortgage market institutions, namely the share of adjustable-rate mortgages and the homeownership rate. To disentangle the relative...
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