Showing 1 - 10 of 733
This paper examines the importance of exchange rate exposure in the return generating process for a large sample of non-financial firms from 37 countries. We argue that the effect of exchange rate exposure on stock returns is conditional and show evidence of a significant return impact to...
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This paper investigates sensitivity of stock returns of industry-sorted Chinese firms with respect to renminbi exchange rate movements. Strong evidence of significant exposure is documented for 7 out of 16 Chinese industries. Evidence is also found of the size asymmetry effects. In addition, we...
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Theory predicts sizeable exchange rate (FX) exposure for many firms. However, empirical research has not documented such exposures. To examine this discrepancy, we extend prior theoretical results to model a global firm's FX exposure and show empirically that firms pass through part of currency...
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Financial markets have developed formulas and models to derive fair values for bonds, futures, swaps, options and other securities. This model derives a fair value of an exchange rate, which might be used as a benchmark for a long-term equilibrium level to stabilize currency markets. The model...
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From 1975 to 1995, the Swiss franc appreciated in a near constant manner compared with the currencies of all of the country’s commercial partners. This paper will seek to demonstrate that the various regions in Switzerland evolve diVerently when faced with a continuously appreciating currency....
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This paper explores the degree of price and exchange rate interdependence between China and the G3 (US, Japan and the Euro-zone) by undertaking a VAR based shock analysis. A GARCH framework is also employed to derive the conditional variances to uncover the extent of volatility transmission. We...
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Earlier research has shown that it is very hard to outperform the random walk model with respect to forecasting exchange rates. In this paper we propose an extension to the regular regime-switching model in order to capture the exchange rate dynamics. The model is extended by including...
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Discussions on the separate effect of oil price and exchange rate fluctuations on economic activity and corporate performance in Nigeria are inconclusive. This study investigates the simultaneous influence of oil price and exchange rate and the impact of the different exchange rate regimes...
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This paper investigates the impact of monetary policy announcements on the performance of the stock market in twenty countries (10 Developed and 10 developing). Exchange rate changes and changes in bond yield were taken as control. Daily basis Panel data was used with daily frequency for five...
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This study investigates the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on non-performing loans (NPLs), using a unique bank-by-bank dataset on lending to FX hedged and FX unhedged borrowers. Employing fixed effects and panel quantile regression, we analyze how changes in exchange rate affect the NPL...
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