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consumers at or below median cognitive abilities barely react when their incentives to spend or borrow change, even if they earn … the incentives to consume, save, and borrow change over time. Cognitive constraints limit the effectiveness of policies …
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consumers at or below median cognitive abilities barely react when their incentives to spend or borrow change, even if they earn … the incentives to consume, save, and borrow change over time. Cognitive constraints limit the effectiveness of policies …
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A large fraction of households have very little savings buffer and are therefore vulnerable to financial shocks. This … link to a personal web page where they can start or adjust an automatic savings plan. However, analyzing detailed bank data …, we find no treatment effect on actual savings, neither in the short run nor in the long run. Our null findings are quite …
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A large fraction of households have very little savings buffer and are there-fore vulnerable to financial shocks. We … increases intended sav-ings. In line with this, we find in our field experiment that households whoare exposed to the social … norm nudge click more often on a link to a personalwebpage where they can start or adjust an automatic savings plan …
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) savings are strictly positive for at least 85 percent of subjects (iii) a majority of subjects uses time allocation to smooth …
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intertemporal substitution. To study this, we set up a two-period model with wage uncertainty. This extends the standard savings …) savings are strictly positive for at least 85 percent of subjects (iii) a majority of subjects uses time allocation to smooth …
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Preferences over wealth can explain why households do not spend more when real interest rates fall, because they save more than optimal under a standard model. However, little is known about preferences over wealth empirically. We run an intentionally simple lab experiment on intertemporal...
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life-cycle consumption and savings. According to numerous studies on subjective survival beliefs, young people also …
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whether subjects treat debt differently than savings. Two treatments create environments where either saving or borrowing is …
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We design an experiment to investigate the influence of announced future variations in interest rates and prices on consumption decisions. In an experimental implementation of the discounted utility model, the subjects learn the entire paths of inflation and interest rates prior to deciding on a...
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