Showing 1 - 10 of 921
Wealth inequality has been growing throughout the world in recent decades. In this article I explore the impact of inequality on risk-management decisions in a developing country context. I use a lab-in-the-field experiment that introduces exogenous variation in inequality to investigate the...
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Low income households in agrarian developing economies continue to face considerable livelihood risks, which have serious negative impacts on household welfare. Incomplete financial markets present an external constraint on risk management and are well studied in the literature. A growing...
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We study the interplay of inequality and trust in a dynamic game, in which trust increases efficiency and thus allows higher growth of the experimental economy in the future. We find that trust is initially high in a treatment starting with equal endowments, but decreases over time. In a...
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Many Western countries face the challenge of reconciling future labor demand with growing public opposition to immigration. The dynamics and underlying processes of setting immigration requirements remain unclear as research so far mainly focuses on context-specific empirical studies. We use a...
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Rural households in developing countries are faced with a variety of risks to both income processes and consumption streams. Additionally, due to the lack of formal financial markets and credit institutions, and in general any formal insurance mechanisms, households are less equipped to respond...
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We study basic information treatments regarding sexual orientation using randomized experiments in three countries with strong and widespread anti-gay attitudes: Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine. Participants who received information about the economic costs to society of sexual-orientation...
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We study basic information treatments regarding sexual orientation using randomized experiments in three countries with strong and widespread anti-gay attitudes: Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine. Participants who received information about the economic costs to society of sexual-orientation...
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This paper examines the causal effects of air pollution on migration by exploiting a natural experiment in which desulfurization technologies were rapidly implemented in coal-burning power plants in the Czech Republic in the 1990s. These technologies substantially decreased air pollution levels...
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Immigrants who have a better command of the host country's language are more likely to be employed and earn higher wages. Using a survey experiment among international students in Germany, I investigate whether information on the monetary benefits of mastering the language of the host country...
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We test different classic migration theories by using incentivized laboratory experiments to investigate how potential migrants decide between working in different destinations. We test theories of income maximization, skill-selection, and multi-destination choice as we vary migration costs,...
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