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interaction impacts cooperation within groups and surplus distribution. We developed and tested experimentally a Surplus … Allocation Game where cooperation of four agents is needed to produce surplus, but only two have the power to allocate it among … distributors and receivers. While behavior at the group level is diverse for surplus allocation and amount of cooperation …
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This paper studies monitoring and punishment behavior by second and third parties in a cooperation experiment with … endogenous information structures: Players are uninformed whether the target player cooperated or defected at the cooperation … to increasingly weaker incentives for cooperation relative to second party punishment as monitoring costs rise. In …
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Heuristics Hypothesis (SHH) proposes that fast instinctive decision making promotes cooperation in social dilemmas. In this paper …, we conduct a novel time-pressure experiment to shed light on the cognitive underpinnings of cooperation. Although we find … finding that fast and intuitive decision making promotes cooperation. Given payoff comprehension, the SHH predicts behavior …
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What is the role of intuitive versus deliberative cognitive processing in human cooperation? The Social Heuristics …-maximizing), and that for most people cooperation is typically advantageous due to mechanisms such as repetition, reputation, and …, the SHH predicts that in the context of pure cooperation – where non-cooperation is strictly payoff – maximizing …
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We experimentally test the social motives behind individual participation in intergroup conflict by manipulating the framing and symmetry of conflict. We find that behavior in conflict depends on whether one is harmed by actions perpetrated by the out-group, but not on one’s own influence on...
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Economists are increasingly interested in the cognitive basis of pro-social behavior. Using response time data, several authors have claimed that "fairness is intuitive". In light of conflicting empirical evidence, we provide theoretical arguments showing under which circumstances an increase...
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We experimentally investigate behavior and beliefs in a sequential prisoner's dilemma. Each subject had to choose an action as first-mover and a conditional action as second-mover. All subjects also had to state their beliefs about others' second-mover choices. We find that subjects' beliefs...
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Punishment has been shown to be an effective reinforcement mechanism. Intentional or not, punishment will likely generate spillover effects that extend beyond one’s immediate decision environment, and these spillovers are not as well understood. We seek to understand these secondary spillover...
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We implement a one-week partial sleep restriction protocol to investigate the effect of sleep deprivation on joint production in a standard voluntary contributions mechanism (VCM) experiment. Additionally, the effect of sleep restriction on an individual's likelihood of sending costly peer...
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goods provision - the quick emergence of a widely accepted social cooperation norm that demands high contributions but - in … consensus as well as the high cooperation demands required by the norm break down. However, when peer punishment is possible … cooperation and welfare - the opportunity to form a social norm unambiguously causes high public good contributions and group …
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