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We study experimentally partnership protocols of the sort proposed by Kalai and Kalai (2010), for bilateral trade games with incomplete information. We utilize the familiar game analyzed by Chatterjee and Samuelson (1983) and Myerson and Sattherwaite (1983), with a buyer and seller with value...
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negative word-of-mouth. Fourth, through experiments, insights are gained into the cognitive mechanisms leading to exaggeration …
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acceptable to apply the results of experiments investigating the investment behavior of entrepreneurs in a transforming country …
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the link between consumer psychology and puffery law in China and the USA, by reporting two empirical studies that investigated whether puff claims had different effects on Chinese and US college students in their perception of advertising...
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to argue that the time is ripe to establish a powerful tradition in Experimental International Business (IB). Probably due to what the Arjen van Witteloostuijn refers to as the external validity myth, experimental laboratory designs are underutilized in...
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examine the relationship between pro-social behavior in economic experiments and prevailing corruption levels. Findings – The … results from meta-analyses of both trust- and dictator game experiments show positive, significant relationships between pro …
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sample of 480 experiments. Findings The type of data representation used is associated with differing levels of decision …
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to recognise the importance of the interplay between performance measurement, performance management, employee engagement and performance. However, the nature of this phenomenon is not well understood. Analysis of the literature reveals two dimensions of...
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problem. It introduces several approaches, based on both experiments and on non-experimental data, that have been proposed in …
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In a contest players compete for winning a prize by effort and thereby increasing their probability of winning. Contestants, however, could also improve their own relative position by harming the other players. We experimentally analyze contests with heterogeneous agents who may individually...
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