Showing 1 - 10 of 53
This paper studies a Cournot duopoly in international trade so that the firms are exposed to exchange rate risk. A hedging opportunity is introduced by a forward market where the foreign currency can be traded on. We investigate two settings: First we assume that hedging and output decisions are...
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Ein Thema, das in der jüngeren außenwirtschaftlichen Literatur zunehmend Beachtung findet, ist die Wahl der Währung, in der internationale Handelstransaktionen abgerechnet (fakturiert) werden. Es geht um die Frage, ob ein international tätiges Unternehmen den Preis für Güter oder...
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Ein Thema, das in der jüngeren außenwirtschaftlichen Literatur zunehmend Beachtung findet, ist die Wahl der Währung, in der internationale Handelstransaktionen abgerechnet (fakturiert) werden. Es geht um die Frage, ob ein international tätiges Unternehmen den Preis für Güter oder...
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This paper studies a Cournot duopoly in international trade so that the firms are exposed to exchange rate risk. A hedging opportunity is introduced by a forward market where the foreign currency can be traded on. We investigate two settings: First we assume that hedging and output decisions are...
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We study the impact of exchange rate risk upon export production within an emerging economy lacking in currency forward markets. However there exists a financial asset whose price is correlated with the relevant foreign currency. We present conditions under which export production is stimulated...
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The paper focusses on currency options as financial hedging instrumenta. Since currency forwards imply the well-known Separation result, it follows for arbitragefree hedging markets that Separation must also hold in option markets if the traded options allow for con-structing a synthetical...
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