Showing 1 - 10 of 396
The purpose of this study is to assess the potential of clustering in the development of agriculture and rural communities in China. We shall examine in detail the food industry, which is the link in the food chain that propels the industrialization of agriculture, and identify instances of...
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The paper estimates the effects of public payments in agriculture on employment in two ways. A partial analysis of FADN-data concentrating on the agricultural sector shows a preservation of 45,000 to 57,000 jobs for the year 2004 in agriculture because of public payments but without taking into...
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Farm-based recreation provides an important niche market for farmers, but limited empirical information is available on the topic. Access to two USDA databases, the 2004 Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) and the 2000 National Survey on Recreation and the Environment, provided...
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This paper focuses on the notion of localised agricultural and agro-food system as unit of analysis (LAFS). LAFSs appear to be as quite resilient and dynamic systems. As we will see, the analysis of exports in the last years can provide enough evidence of their strong resilience and capability...
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La diversificación de actividades productivas en las explotaciones agrarias es una realidad que va adquiriendo mayor relevancia frente a la tendencia hacia la especialización productiva. A partir de una encuesta a 125 explotaciones agrarias y una serie de entrevistas en profundidad se analizan...
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El siguiente trabajo parte de la necesidad de conocer el tipo de cultura forestal de las explotaciones familiares agrarias del norte de España. Nos encontramos con unos grupos familiares que regentan explotaciones agroganaderas de reducidas dimensiones y que cuentan con una parte de su...
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La agricultura ecológica es practicada actualmente en la mayoría de los países del mundo, constituyendo una alternativa a la agricultura convencional. El desarrollo de este sector en los países de la UE, donde se concentran más de 3,6 millones de hectáreas en alrededor de 130.000...
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The understanding of how allocation decisions can maximise the economic returns to the community from water for irrigation has received little attention, but is a significant issue for regional councils, those interested in water allocation policy development, and for irrigated farmers. There is...
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We used the well-being evaluation method, a technique for measuring individual utility, to study how people in the wildland urban interface of Colorado (USA) felt about their lives before and after two wildfire scenarios. Variables such as age, family size, fire frequency, and house value were...
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Rice sector contributes significantly to secure households with regard to their food needs but also to the creation of employments and income generation. The sector development and its evolution over the years have been marked by various policies and approaches. These development stages of the...
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