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The 1920s and 1930s saw the Fed reject a state-of-the-art empirical policy framework for a logically defective one. Consisting of a quantity theoretic analysis of the business cycle, the former framework featured the money stock, price level, and real interest rates as policy indicators. By...
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Zahlungs- und Schuldendeckungsfähigkeit stellen finanzwirtschaftliche Existenzbedingungen dar, deren Einhaltung in Bankenkrisen gefährdet ist. Das war nicht anders in den Bankenkri-sen der National Banking-Ära der USA. Fraglich ist, ob mit der Einführung des Federal Re-serve Systems eine...
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Liquidity and solvency are conditional for banks' existence, They are endangered during banking crises. Since the banking crises of the National Banking Era in the USA are no exceptions, the question remains whether the foundation of the Federal Reserve System offered an adequate solution to the...
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We review recent changes in monetary policy that have led to development and testing of an overnight reverse repurchase agreement (ON RRP) facility, an innovative tool for implementing monetary policy during the normalization process. Making ON RRPs available to a broad set of investors,...
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This paper reconstructs the forgotten history of mutual assistance among Reserve Banks in the early years of the Federal Reserve System. We use data on accommodation operations by the 12 Reserve Banks between 1913 and 1960 which enabled them to mutualise their gold reserves in emergency...
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The establishment of a central bank occurred at very different moments in the process of economic integration in the United States and the European Union. In this paper, we go into the first years of the Federal Reserve System through the lens of Paul van Zeeland's PhD dissertation. Paul van...
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Abstract The exceptional measures by central banks during the financial crisis have led to renewed interest in the redistributive effects of monetary policy. This paper adopts the perspective of central bank balance sheets to assess such effects. It uses information from the euro area National...
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The role played by monetary policy in creating the conditions that culminated in the current crisis and the failure of the Fed’s efforts to end the credit freeze in 2008 are critical components of the analysis needed as a backdrop for reform. This paper argues that the link between excess...
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Magistro tezių tyrimo objektas – JAV finansų krizės priežastys ir pamokos ateičiai. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas – kritiškai įvertinti JAV finansų krizę sukėlusius veiksnius, remiantis austrų verslo ciklų teorija, bei rasti ir pateikti pasiūlymus, kaip turi būti valdoma ekonomika,...
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