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The aim of this paper is to present different views on Black-Scholes model. The Black-Scholes equation is one of the most significant equations in financial mathematics. It is commonly used to determine price of options. However its applications as well as modifications go far beyond this...
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To contribute to the understanding of investment funds' (IFs) behaviour, the paper exploits the exogenous shock of the COVID-19 pandemic and analyses more than 12 million security sales and purchases during the first four months of 2020 by over 20,000 IFs from more than 40 national jurisdictions...
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Momentum is one of the largest and most pervasive market anomalies. However, despite a high mean and Sharpe ratio, momentum suffers from large negative skewness that comes from momentum crash periods. These crashes occur in times of both market stress and market rebound and thus variables that...
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We provide empirical evidence that the returns on US equity momentum exhibit a time-varying skewness which deepens during dramatic losses (crashes). As a result, the dynamics of the strategy expected returns reflects the time variation in both conditional volatility and skewness. This has first...
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We investigate asset returns around banking crises in 44 advanced and emerging economies from 1960 to 2016. In contrast to the view that buying assets during banking crises is a profitable long-run strategy, we find that returns of equity and other asset classes often underperform following...
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We examine whether bank connections via common mutual fund ownership serve as a contagion channel affecting the systemic risk of the banking system. We first document that the extent of a bank’s connection with other banks via common ownership increases its contribution to systemic risk. We...
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Investment funds are highly connected with each other, but also with the broader financial system. In this paper, we quantify potential vulnerabilities arising from funds' connectedness. While previous work exclusively focused on indirect connections (overlapping asset portfolios) between...
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In this paper, we investigate investment flows into mutual funds that hold more high corporate social responsible stocks (top CSR funds) vs. mutual funds that hold more low corporate social responsible stocks (bottom CSR funds). Using a large sample of equity mutual funds spanning 2003–2012,...
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Czarnitzki and Stadtmann (2005) measure the interdependence of demand for investment advice (approximated by sales of investor magazines) and stock prices. They find strong evidence that confirms the presence of the disposition effect, i.e. the empirical observation that investors sell winners...
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