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Austerity is a concept that is often used in the public debate. It refers to fiscal policy measures that reduce government spending and raise taxes for the purposes of closing a government budget deficit. This paper analyzes the concept in the context of the current European economic crisis and...
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Henrik Enderlein, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin, befürchtet, dass die Erwartungen, die mit der Wahl Barack Obamas zum neuen US-Präsidenten verknüpft sind, zu hoch seien. Obama erbe mit seinem Amtsantritt eine kaum zu bewältigende ökonomische Herausforderung, so dass die...
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This paper creates a simple model to describe the relationships between, banks, mortgage agencies, mortgage arrangers, and aspiring home owners. Using this model, the author illustrates how slight changes in real estate appreciation assumptions would reverberate through the collateralized debt...
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The balancing between ‘Men' and ‘Women' is sine qua non for sustainability of human race. The present world scenario is tilted in favour of men endangering sustainability of human race. The angle of this tilt might vary from one society to another but majorly it is unbalanced. This hinders...
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The collapse of the inter-bank lending market has reduced the global liquidity available, most banks, especially those with limited deposit bases, have raised funds even on short maturities. Project finance and PPP lending are competing for scarce regulatory capital allocations with more...
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Articles 37(10) and 56-58 of Directive 2014/59/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 15 May 2014, “establishing a framework for the recovery and resolution of credit institutions and investment firms (...)” (hereinafter the ‘BRRD') govern the provision of ‘extraordinary...
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This paper presents a possible solution to financial crises by addressing the core of the problem of systemic risk. To get there, it first illustrates a number of crises related situations before the definition of systemic risk is detailed. It then explains challenges of systemic risk and...
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The alarming rise in drinking water pollution across the U.S. is often attributed to cost cutting pressures faced by local officials. We know little, however, about why these pressures are so severe for some cities compared to others. We present a new theory to argue that an important...
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The Greek sovereign debt crisis has raised some important issues, not only with regard to the effectiveness of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) as an optimal currency area, but also as to whether or not a member state should exit the euro zone in the face of unsustainable debt problems,...
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The issue of EDC became increasingly important in the field of development economics primarily because EDC has been occurring more frequent after the deregulation of global financial flows in the 1970s (Tiruneh 2004, Jones 2015) hitting mostly MICs and LICs. Assessing the probability of an EDC...
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