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Arbitrage ensures that covered interest parity holds. The condition is central to price foreign exchange forwards and … interbank lending rates, and reflects the efficient functioning of markets. Normally, deviations from arbitrage, if any, last … seconds and reach a few basis points. After the Lehman bankruptcy, instead, arbitrage profits were large, persisted for months …
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arbitrage crashes and failure of systemically important intermediaries during the global financial crisis. Intermediaries pledge … productive capital as repo collateral to fund the margin for their arbitrage positions. A tiny drop in the market liquidity of … movements and losses. This further reduces the collateral value of arbitrage portfolios and triggers more fire-sales in both …
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We develop a tractable model to study the macroeconomic impacts of limited arbitrage by linking arbitrage activities … arbitrage failures and recessions. Collateralization adds extra value to real-sector investments, and ultimately helps boost …
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Can the upturns and downturns in financial variables serve as early warning indicators of banking crises? Using data from 59 advanced and emerging economies, we show that financial overheating can be detected in real time. Equity prices and output gap are the best leading indicators in advanced...
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Fixed-income markets were disrupted at the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis. As whole industries temporarily shut down, businesses and households ran down their savings or needed credit to survive income losses. As volatility increased, portfolio managers sold securities to manage their...
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Die Vorstellung selbst-stabilisierender, zum Gleichgewicht tendierender Finanzmärkte, lange Zeit als Selbstverständlichkeit angesehen, ist durch die aktuelle Banken- und Kreditkrise in Frage gestellt. Trotz ausgefeilten Risikomanagements der Banken und einer an Basel II orientierten Aufsicht...
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Since the financial crisis, attention has focused on central counterparties (CCPs) as a solution to systemic risk for a variety of financial markets, ranging from repurchase agreements and options to swaps. However, internationally accepted standards and the academic literature have left...
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When a financial crisis breaks out, speculators typically get the blame whereas fundamentalists are presented as the safeguard against excessive volatility. This paper proposes an asset pricing model where two types of rational traders coexist: short-term speculators and long-term...
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When a financial crisis breaks out, speculators typically get the blame whereas fundamentalists are presented as the safeguard against excessive volatility. This paper proposes an asset pricing model where two types of rational traders coexist: short-term speculators and long-term...
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Focusing on five major emerging markets (EM), I investigate the interactions between credit default swap (CDS) premiums, foreign exchange (FX) parities, local currency government bond (LCB) spreads, and national stock market indices over the period 4/2/2007 to 8/27/2009. Empirical analysis...
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