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This paper discusses key findings of the Second Review Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility for Burkina Faso. All quantitative performance criteria (PC) were met. The indicative floor on social expenditures was not achieved, mainly because of capacity weaknesses in implementing...
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Recent developments in the Comoros point to slow, uneven, yet significant progress in political normalization. Overall performance under the Extended Credit Facility-supported program has been broadly satisfactory. The government understands the need to continue fiscal consolidation in support...
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Satisfactory implementation of the economic program supported by the Policy Support Instrument has helped Rwanda during the global economic downturn. The program focuses on maintaining a sustainable fiscal position; strengthening monetary and exchange rate policies; and supporting growth with...
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The Swaziland economy continues to suffer from the global economic crisis and an overvalued real exchange rate. The fiscal crisis is starting to affect external stability. Notwithstanding the fiscal crisis, banks continue to remain well capitalized and profitable. The 2011–12 budget...
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The Kyrgyz Republic is recovering from a deep political crisis. Agriculture, tourism, mining, and textile production will be important drivers of growth. Strong export-oriented growth and fiscal consolidation will help to reduce the current account deficit in the medium term. Executive Directors...
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The Salvadoran economy was severely affected by the global economic slowdown. Further strengthening the economy’s growth prospects and reducing poverty will depend on a durable fiscal consolidation effort and improvements in the investment climate through continued commitment to...
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Kenya’s economy is bouncing back following multiple shocks between 2008 and 2009. The program targets a gradual reduction in the central government primary balance through tax reform and strict control of current spending to bring the debt-to-GDP ratio below 45 percent at the end of the...
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The policies in a challenging political and economic environment are discussed in this study. The importance of reforms to enhance the budget process, tax administration, and expenditure control is encouraged. A higher growth path will require far-reaching structural reforms to bolster Comoros's...
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This staff report examines the Kingdom of Lesotho’s 2012 Article IV Consultation and second and third reviews under the three-year arrangement under the Extended Credit Facility. Real GDP growth for 2010/11 is estimated at 5¾ percent, and inflation rose gradually in 2011, driven by...
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Economic activity appears to be recovering, underpinned by a strong policy response. Fiscal consolidation will be crucial to maintain debt sustainability and support the envisaged external adjustment over the medium term. Sound monetary and exchange rate policies are essential to maintain...
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