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Looking back, the debt brake for the German federal government's budget seems a great success story: The targets for net borrowing were met with a wide margin each year, the budget was consolidated extremely fast since 2010 and the debt brake served as a role model for the Fiscal Compact at the...
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Angesichts zunehmender Ängste vor einer überbordenden Staatsverschuldung und einer daraus resultierenden Belastung der nächsten Generationen scheint die Schweizer Finanzpolitik gegenwärtig glänzend dazustehen. Während überall sonst die Staatsverschuldung im Zuge der globalen Finanz- und...
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Both the German federal as well as the general government recorded a surplus for the fourth time in a row in 2017. The fast consolidation after the Great Recession coincided with the transition period for the full introduction of the federal debt brake, which is sometimes interpreted as...
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Vor dem Hintergrund der noch nicht konkret ausformulierten Konsolidierungsstrategie der österreichischen Bundesregierung sowie den ernst zu nehmenden konjunkturpolitischen Bedenken gegen eine forcierte Budgetkonsolidierung stellt sich die Frage, wie eine Erfolg versprechende mittelfristige,...
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It is by now a widely shared insight that fiscal policy needs to be re-strengthened as a macroeconomic policy instrument within European macroeconomic policies: Recent experiences with austerity policies, new research regarding the size of the fiscal multiplier and the fact that monetary policy...
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Fiscal policy in the Euro area is still dominated by austerity measures implemented under the institutional setting of the 'reformed' stability and growth pact, and the even stricter 'fiscal compact'. At the same time, calls for a more expansionary fiscal policy to overcome the economic crisis...
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