Showing 1 - 10 of 824
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Review text: Phillip-Alexander Harter, in: Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Bd. 94, Heft 2(2007) "Mit ihrem dreibändigen Handbuch haben Johannes Frerich und Gernot Müller ein starkes Fundament für die Untersuchung der europäischen Verkehrspolitik im...
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In the paper a nested logit model is used to describe passenger preferencesconcerning airports and airlines. A statistical model for the passengers'sequential choice of airport and airline is calibrated. It appears that thechoice sequence first airport, then airline is statistically preferable...
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Conventional economic wisdom suggests that congestion pricing would be an appropriate response to cope with the growing congestion levels currently experienced at many airports. Several characteristics of aviation markets, however, may make naive congestion prices equal to the value of marginal...
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This paper studies the regulation of an airline duopoly on a congested airport. Regulation should then address two market failures: uninternalized congestion, and overpricing due to market power. We find that first-best charges are differentiated over airlines if asymmetric, and completely drive...
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Der Markt für Flugverkehr ist durch einen intensiven Wettbewerb gekennzeichnet. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Branche, die traditionell durch eine hohe Regulierungsdichte gekennzeichnet war. Im Zuge der Liberalisierung erhöhte sich der Wettbewerbsdruck weiter. Korrespondierend veränderten...
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This paper surveys a large variety of mathematical models and up-to-date solution techniques developed for solving a general flight gate scheduling problem that deals with assigning different aircraft activities (arrival, departure and intermediate parking) to distinct aircraft stands or gates....
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Die Luftfahrt zählt zu den wachstumsstärksten Branchen in Deutschland. Zudem ist die gute Erreichbarkeit der Wirtschaftszentren für eine stark auf das Ausland fokussierte Volkswirtschaft ein wichtiger Standortfaktor. Doch der Ausbau der Flughafeninfrastruktur kommt in Deutschland nicht...
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This paper analyzes slot-based approaches to management of airport congestion, using a model where airlines are asymmetric and internalize airport congestion. Under these circumstances, optimal congestion tolls differ across carriers, and since a slot-sale regime (with its uniform slot price)...
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