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Under the assumption that audit quality relates positively to unobservable financial reporting reliability, we investigate whether audit quality is associated with the predictability of accounting earnings by focusing on analyst earnings forecast properties. The evidence shows that analysts'...
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While brokerage houses use both teams of sell-side analysts and individual analysts to conduct earnings research, there is no empirical research examining if teams and individuals differ with regard to their forecasting performance or purpose, and if so, how and why. We first examine the...
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We estimate the effect of information and ability spillovers on sell-side analysts' quarterly EPS forecast accuracy. Using a model that relates mean peer group ability along with the analyst's own ability to the analyst's forecast accuracy, we find that spillovers from peer analysts are large,...
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Despite the increased frequency of analyst forecasts during earnings announcements, empirical evidence on the interaction between the information in the earnings announcement and these forecasts is limited. We examine the implications of reinforcing and contradicting analyst forecast revisions...
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This paper reveals that in addition to fundamental factors, the 52-week high price and recent investor sentiment play an important role in analysts' target price formation. Analysts' forecasts of short-term earnings and long-term earnings growth are shown to be important explanatory variables...
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We propose an ex ante measure of analysts' production of private information (PPI) based on the correlations between analysts' forecast revisions and prior stock price changes. We validate this measure by examining whether analysts with lower correlations (higher PPI) provide more information...
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This paper studies the effect of commercial bank affiliation on analysts' forecasts using the Korean data over the 2000-2015 period. We find that the median EPS forecast error of 2.88% made by independent analysts is significantly larger than the median error of 2.47% made by bank-affiliated...
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Sell-side fundamental analyst reports are highly valued in the financial industry and include three main quantitative components: earnings forecasts, target prices, and buy/sell recommendations. An important question for investment managers is then, how accurate are the forecasts of fundamental...
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We challenge the view that persistent differences in accuracy across analysts are proof that analysts differ in their ability to forecast stock prices. We show that these persistent differences in accuracy are driven instead by stock return volatility. Building upon option pricing theory, we...
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We examine the spillover effects of the Global Analyst Research Settlement (or Global Settlement) on analysts' earnings forecasts in 40 developed and emerging markets. Prior to the Global Settlement, analysts generally made overly optimistic forecasts, this bias tending to be higher in countries...
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