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We propose a novel and easy-to-implement framework for forecasting correlation risks based on a large set of salient realized correlation features and the sparsity-encouraging LASSO technique. Considering the universe of S&P 500 stocks, we find that the new approach manifests in statistically...
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The GARCH(1,1) model and its extensions have become a standard econometric tool for modeling volatility dynamics of financial returns and port-folio risk. In this paper, we propose an adjustment of GARCH implied conditional value-at-risk and expected shortfall forecasts that exploits the...
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We propose two simple evaluation methods for time varying density forecasts of continuous higher dimensional random variables. Both methods are based on the probability integral transformation for unidimensional forecasts. The first method tests multinormal densities and relies on the rotation...
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The GARCH(1,1) model and its extensions have become a standard econometric tool for modeling volatility dynamics of financial returns and portfolio risk. In this paper, we propose an adjustment of GARCH implied conditional value-at-risk and expected shortfall forecasts that exploits the...
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We examine the accuracy of survey-based expectations of the Chilean exchange rate relative to the US dollar. Our out-of-sample analysis reveals that survey-based forecasts outperform the Driftless Random Walk (DRW) in terms of Mean Squared Prediction Error at several forecasting horizons. This...
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This paper introduces a parsimonious and yet flexible semiparametric model to forecast financial volatility. The new model extends the linear nonnegative autoregressive model of Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard (2001) and Nielsen and Shephard (2003) by way of a power transformation. It is...
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New models to forecast the real price of oil on the basis of macroeconomic indicators and Google search data are proposed. A large-scale out-of-sample forecasting analysis comparing the different models is performed. It is found that models including both Google data and macroeconomic aggregates...
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We propose two new tests for detecting clustering in multivariate Value-at-Risk (VaR) forecasts. First, we consider CUSUM-tests to detect first-order instationarities in the matrix of VaR-violations. Second, we propose x<sup>2</sup>-tests for detecting cross-sectional and serial dependence in the...
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We evaluate the performance of several linear and nonlinear machine learning models in forecasting the realized volatility (RV) of ten global stock market indices in the period from January 2000 to December 2021. We train models using a dataset which includes past values of the RV and additional...
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Patton and Timmermann (2011, 'Forecast Rationality Tests Based on Multi-Horizon Bounds', Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, forthcoming) propose a set of useful tests for forecast rationality or optimality under squared error loss, including an easily implemented test based on a...
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