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We compare the performance of time-series (TS) and cross-sectional (CS) strategies based on past returns. While CS strategies are zero-net investment long/short strategies, TS strategies take on a time-varying net-long investment in risky assets. For individual stocks, the difference between the...
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We introduce a new measure of stock misevaluation, 𝑄, which is consistent with the Gordon growth model for firm valuation. In our empirical application, we use 𝑄 to relate analyst forecasts to stock returns and measure the profitability of investment strategies that rely on information in...
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Cross-firm predictability among economically linked firms can arise when both firms exhibit own-momentum and their returns are contemporaneously correlated. We show that cross-firm predictability can last up to 10 years, which is hard to reconcile with an interpretation of slow information...
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Stock momentum, long-term reversal, and other past return characteristics that predict future returns also predict future realized betas, suggesting these characteristics capture time-varying risk compensation. We formalize this argument with a conditional factor pricing model. Using...
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We create a market-wide measure of dispersion in options investors' expectations by aggregating across all stocks the dispersion in trading volume across moneynesses (DISP). DISP exhibits strong negative predictive power for future market returns and its information content is not subsumed by...
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We propose several multivariate variance ratio statistics. We derive the asymptotic distribution of the statistics and …
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We examine whether real-time return forecasts are valuable to an investor looking to allocate their portfolio across a wide selection of countries. We expand the Sum-of-Parts (SoP) method for forecasting stock returns to an international setup by adding FX returns as an additional component. We...
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of equity forward prices. Transition probabilities are in the variance gamma class with spot dependent parameters. Markov … skewenss and excess kurtosis with maturity at rates slower than those implied by Lévy processes. Out of sample performance is …
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This research examines the use of econometric models to predict the total NAV of an asset allocation mutual fund. In particular, the mutual fund case used is the Vanguard Wellington Fund. This fund maintains a balance between relatively conservative stocks and bonds. The period of the study on...
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predictive power of beta, total volatility, and idiosyncratic volatility in all stock sets. In addition to market cap and short …
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