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This paper examines the impact of intraday periodicity on forecasting realized volatility using a heterogeneous autoregressive model (HAR) framework. We show that periodicity inflates the variance of the realized volatility and biases jump estimators. This combined effect adversely affects...
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We introduce and investigate some properties of a class of nonlinear time series models based on the moving sample quantiles in the autoregressive data generating process. We derive a test fit to detect this type of nonlinearity. Using the daily realized volatility data of Standard & Poor's 500...
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This paper contains a survey of univariate models of conditional heteroskedasticity. The classical ARCH model is mentioned, and various extensions of the standard GARCH model are highlighted. This includes the Exponential GARCH model. Stochastic volatility models remain outside this review. --...
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An effective approach for forecasting return volatility via threshold nonlinear heteroskedastic models of the daily asset price range is provided. The return is defined as the difference between the highest and lowest log intra-day asset price. A general model specification is proposed, allowing...
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For forecasting and economic analysis many variables are used in logarithms (logs). In time series analysis this transformation is often considered to stabilize the variance of a series. We investigate under which conditions taking logs is beneficial for forecasting. Forecasts based on the...
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This paper evaluates current strategies for the empirical modeling of forecast behavior. In particular, we focus on the reliability of using proxies from time series models of heteroskedasticity to describe changes in predictive confidence. We address this issue by examining the relationship...
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We develop a new targeted maximum likelihood estimation method that provides improved forecasting for misspecified linear autoregressive models. The method weighs data points in the observed sample and is useful in the presence of data generating processes featuring structural breaks, complex...
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For forecasting and economic analysis many variables are used in logarithms (logs). In time series analysis this transformation is often considered to stabilize the variance of a series. We investigate under which conditions taking logs is beneficial for forecasting. Forecasts based on the...
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Although many macroeconomic time series are assumed to follow nonlinear processes, nonlinear models often do not provide better predictions than their linear counterparts. Furthermore, such models easily become very complex and difficult to estimate. The aim of this study is to investigate...
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The necessary and sufficient condition to test for 'overall causality', i.e., the presence of Granger-causality and instantaneous causal relations, in a bivariate and trivariate autoregressive model with recursive form is discussed. It is argued that the conventional AR model (the reduced form...
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