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fnancial institutions. We show that the 10-year Treasury yield's forward-looking volatility, a VIX-style measure that is a … volatility of crude oil prices over the near term. Using monthly data from 2003 to 2020, we document that higher implied … volatility in the 10-year U.S. Treasury derivatives market predicts declining oil prices and higher forward-looking volatility in …
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interest rates - is a strong predictor of U.S. Treasury bond returns of maturities ranging between one and ten years for return … qualitatively replicates the predictability pattern of IRVRP for bond returns. …
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This paper provides empirical evidence that volatility markets are integrated through the time-varying term structure … of variance risk premia. These risk premia predict the returns from selling volatility for different horizons, maturities …
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of GARCH-X models improves the accuracy of their volatility forecasts for spot and 1-year time-charter tanker freight … of the volatility forecasts drawn …
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The role of public sentiment in stock market volatility has recently become increasingly relevant. Twitter, in theory … potential improvement that social media adds to forecast performance of ARIMA and ARFIMA models of realized volatility using E … sentiment strengthens out-of-sample volatility forecasts across all time periods. While statistical significance exists …
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The ad hoc Black-Scholes (AHBS) model is one of the most widely used option valuation models among practitioners models. The main contribution of this study is methodological. We have two main results: (1) we make the empirical observation that typically the call and put sneers are discontinuous...
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We evaluate the importance of nonlinear interactions in volatility forecasting by comparing the predictive power of … decision tree ensemble models relative to classical ones for normalized at-the-money implied volatility innovations. We measure … delta-hedged option portfolio sorts on volatility innovation forecast data, while regression tree ensembles outperform OLS …
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We study whether prices of traded options contain information about future extreme market events. Our option-implied conditional expectation of market loss due to tail events, or tail loss measure, predicts future market returns, magnitude, and probability of the market crashes, beyond and above...
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In this paper we apply the multivariate construction for Lévy processes introduced by Ballotta and Bonfiglioli (2014) to propose an integrated model for the joint dynamics of FX exchange rates and asset prices. We show that the proposed construction is consistent in terms of symmetries with...
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option implied volatility models. A significant part of the literature related to this topic shows that volatility forecast … accuracy is not easy to estimate regardless of the forecasting model applied. This paper examines the volatility accuracy of … volatility forecast models for the case of corn and wheat futures price returns. The models applied here are a univariate GARCH …
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