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by providing new evidence on employment embodied in value-added trade flows. Linking jobs data to the Trade in Value …-Added (TiVA) indicators first highlights that a large share of employment in OECD and key partner countries relies on consumption …. Within GVCs, there is also a shift from employment in core manufacturing activities to employment in service support …
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small relative to the wage gain from rising exports, the ex-post utility loss is much larger for those who actually get …
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small relative to the wage gain from rising exports, the ex-post utility loss is much larger for those who actually get …
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We analyze international trade and health policy coordination during a pandemic by developing a two-economy, two-sector trade model integrated into a micro-founded SIR model of infection dynamics. Disease transmission intensity can differ by goods (manufactured versus services and domestic...
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. One of the main concerns is the negative effects of growing import competition on employment. This paper focuses on … manufacturing sector employment because of its high trade exposure and potential for wider spillovers. It finds that while trade … appears to have only a minor association with manufacturing employment shares at the national level compared with technology …
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This paper provides evidence of the links between Global Value Chains (GVCs) and labour market outcomes, focusing on developing economies. The literature generally indicates that firms with international linkages—which we use here as a proxy for GVC involvement—tend to employ more workers,...
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The study investigates the influence of financial development on foreign trade in transi- tional economies using panel data (1994-2014). Although empirical studies on the im- pact of financial development on foreign trade are available, none of them that the au- thors are aware of attempted to...
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The study investigates the influence of financial development on foreign trade in transi- tional economies using panel data (1994-2014). Although empirical studies on the im- pact of financial development on foreign trade are available, none of them that the au- thors are aware of attempted to...
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time, some existing jobs may be altered, reduced or eliminated. Therefore, besides assessing the extent of employment … study looks at the trends in domestic and foreign value-added share, and employment and skill-composition of jobs supported …-14. Secondly, export related jobs grew at a much faster rate than overall employment during the period. Thirdly, a chunk of these …
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