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This paper analyses the process of knowledge growth in a branch of medical science. Our study of scientific advances in glaucoma research is organized in two parts. In the first we present a qualitative overview of the problem sequences that have characterized 150 years of medical research in...
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This paper investigates the determinants of EPO (European Patent Office) patent applications per capita using a panel of 22 OECD countries with data measured as five-year averages for the period 1980-1999. The patent production function is specified as a partial adjustment model and is estimated...
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Genetische Ressourcen sind Lebewesen, die genetischen Informationen in sich tragen, welche für die biotechnologische Forschung und Entwicklung von Bedeutung sind. Angesichts eines sich beschleunigenden weltweiten Artenverlustes stellt sich die Frage, ob durch den privaten Handel mit genetische...
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Genetic resources are living organisms that contain genetic information which is of importance for biotechnological research and development. Facing an accelerated worldwide loss in species diversity, the question is whether commercial trade with genetic resources can generate sufficient...
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Innovation is the result of an interactive process. Knowledge-intensive interactions among different partners are associated with a variety of advantages and disadvantages for the actors involved. Therefore, a rich body of literature investigating the impact of R&D collaboration networks on the...
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It is shown that spillovers can enhance private returns to innovation if they feedback into the dynamic research of the original inventor (Internalized spillovers), butwill always reduce private returns, if the original inventor does not benefit fromthe advancements other inventors build into...
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This paper examines the relative contribution of openness and the R&D content of trade to TFP growth for North-South trade-related technology diffusion. The measure of foreign R&D used in the literature on trade-related technology diffusion imposes identical contributions of openness and the R&D...
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The literature suggests that public research and development (R&D) subsidies mayreduce market failures affecting private R&D investment caused by incompleteappropriability of knowledge and financial constraints due capital marketimperfections. Drawing on the theory of investment under...
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We show the effects of Bertrand and Cournot competition on R&D investmentand social welfare in a duopoly with R&D competition where success in R&D isprobabilistic. We show that R&D investments are higher under Bertrand (Cournot)competition when R&D productivities are sufficiently low (high), and...
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This paper compares Bertrand and Cournot equilibria in a horizontallydifferentiated duopoly market with non-tournament R&D competition. We consider thatsuccess in R&D is uncertain. We show that whether firms invest more under Cournotcompetition or Bertrand competition is ambiguous and depends on...
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