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This paper adresses the various methodological issues surrounding vector autoregressions, simultaneous equations, and chain reactions, and provides new evidence on the long-run inflation-unemployment tradeoff in the US. It is argued that money growth is a superior indicator of the monetary...
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In this paper we consider GMM based estimation and inference for the panel AR(1) model when the data are persistent and the time dimension of the panel is fixed. We find that the nature of the weak instruments problem of the Arellano-Bond estimator depends on the distributional properties of the...
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In this paper we show that the Quasi ML estimation method yields consistent Random and Fixed Effects estimators for the autoregression parameter ρ in the panel AR(1) model with arbitrary initial conditions even when the errors are drawn from heterogenous distributions. We compare both...
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A prominent class of nonlinear time series models are threshold autoregressive models. Recently work by Kapetanios (2000) has shown in a Monte Carlo setting that the superconsistency property of the threshold parameter estimates does not translate to superior performance in small samples....
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This paper analyses the use of factor analysis for instrumental variable estimation when the number of instruments tends to infinity. We consider cases where the unobserved factors are the optimal instruments but also cases where the factors are not necessarily the optimal instruments but can...
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This paper considers estimation of panel data models with fixed effects. First, we will show that a consistent ``unrestricted fixed effects'' estimator does not exist for autoregressive panel data models with initial conditions. We will derive necessary and sufficient conditions for the...
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This paper considers inference procedures for two types of dynamic linear panel data models with fixed effects (FE). First, it shows that the closures of stationary ARMAFE models can be consistently estimated by Conditional Maximum Likelihood Estimators and it derives their asymptotic...
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In this paper we consider inference procedures for two types of dynamic linear panel data models with fixed effects. First, we show that the closure of the stationary ARMA panel model with fixed effects can be consistently estimated by the First Difference Maximum Likelihood Estimator and we...
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The recent works of Gali and Gertler (1999) and Gali, Gertler and Lopez-Salido (2001) provide evidence supporting the New Keynesian Phillips curve (NKPC). This model posits the dynamics of inflation as being forward-looking and related to real marginal costs. In this paper, we examine the...
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This paper considers predictive tests for structural change in models estimated via Generalized Method of Moments. Our analysis extends earlier work by Ghysels and Hall (1990a) by allowing for the instability to occur at an unknown point in the sample. We analyze various statistics based on...
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