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This paper analyzes the influence of exchange rate regimes on fiscal performance, focusing on the difference between fixed and flexible exchange rates. For these ends, a sample of 83 countries for the 1974-1998 period, the GMM methodology for dynamic proposal panel models proposed by Arellano...
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In this paper, we consider testing marginal distributional assumptions. Special cases that we consider are the Pearson's family like the Gaussian, Student, Gamma, Beta and uniform distributions. The test statistics we consider are based on the first moment conditions derived by Hansen and...
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We construct higher order expressions for Wald and Lagrange multiplier (LM) GMM statistics that are based on 2step and continuous updating estimators (CUE). We show that the sensitivity of the limit distribution to weak and many instruments results from superfluous elements in the higher order...
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This paper provides a first order asymptotic theory for generalized method of moments (GMM) estimators when the number of moment conditions is allowed to increase with the sample size and the moment conditions may be weak. Examples in which these asymptotics are relevant include instrumental...
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This paper considers models with time-varying individual effects (also known as factor models). The paper extends Ahn, Lee and Schmidt, Journal of Econometrics, 2001 and Bai, Econometrica, 2003 to allow a parametric function of time for the time factor. It provides a fixed-effects treatment of...
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This paper derives conditions under which the generalized method of moments (GMM) estimator is as efficient as the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE). The data are supposed to be drawn from a parametric family and to be stationary Markov. We study the efficiency of GMM in a general framework...
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In this paper, I develop a quasi empirical likelihood estimator that has good finite-sample properties when there are many moment conditions. I show that the quasi empirical likelihood estimator, which uses semiparametric efficient estimation, is an approximation to the empirical likelihood...
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We propose a novel statistic to test the rank of a matrix. The rank statistic overcomes deficiencies of existing rank statistics, like: necessity of a Kronecker covariance matrix for the canonical correlation rank statistic of Anderson (1951), sensitivity to the ordering of the variables for the...
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The recent works of Gali and Gertler (1999) and Gali, Gertler and Lopez-Salido (2001) provide evidence supporting the New Keynesian Phillips curve (NKPC). This model posits the dynamics of inflation as being forward-looking and related to real marginal costs. In this paper, we examine the...
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This paper examines the relation between dollar-real exchange rate volatility implied in option prices and subsequent realized volatility. It investigates whether implied volatilities contain information about volatility over the remaining life of the option which is not present in past returns....
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